Better brains

better brain

We kind of want better brains: more creative and with better memory. In my courses, I teach improving the brain power via simple training routines. This path is definitely safe and effective, yet it may be combined with other cool options with some remarkable results. Here I want to discuss some alternative approaches. For more reading, …

Longterm memory: lifestyle choice (sleep hacking, nootropics, NLP)


Suppose you want to remember something for a very long time. How do you ensure memorization? There are many methods, which can be roughly divided into three categories: reviewing the notes (revisiting), actively using (speedwriting), and lifestyle choices (sleep, food, …). Here I want to deal with the lifestyle element. It is really simple to …

Can Hydration Affect Academic Performance?


This scholarly examination explores the potential correlation between hydration and academic performance. Drawing from diverse research studies, the article investigates the influence of water intake on cognitive function. Combining neural science with practical applications presents an analysis of hydrogen’s role in academic success, offering insights for maintaining optimal hydration levels during study sessions. The article …

Applications of AR in Medicine: Diagnostics, Planning, Training, and Operations


The integration of augmented reality (AR) technology has rapidly transformed various industries, including gaming and entertainment. However, its potential extends far beyond mere entertainment. In recent years, the medical field has begun harnessing the power of AR, revolutionizing diagnostics, planning, training, and even actual surgical procedures. This blog explores the applications of augmented reality in …

Atomic visualizations using the face of the clock


I define atomic visualization as compound visualizations of multiple keywords that cannot be easily disassembled. Due to strong connectivity between the keywords, these visualizations are faster to make and easier to retain. In this article I provide a clock-related way of generating such visualizations. It may work for up to 12 objects with complex relations. …

The Impact Of Physical Activity On Mental Health And Stress Management

People worldwide have mental health issues as well as stress issues. To counter both of them, people look out for many solutions. But sometimes, there are no effects that can resolve the problem of mental health and stress. But the doctors recommend all those people who are suffering from these issues to get themselves into …