Coming up with good visualizations is either very easy or very hard depending on the subjects. Here are some guidelines. Meaningful The visualization needs to have some meaning for you. If you cannot define what you visualize, or the visualization generates “who cares” or “I am confused” emotions, you need to change something. The visualizations …
Mind body tricks and weird science
Usually, we try to influence our body, by tricking our minds. There are visualization, placebo effect, positive self-talk, and other well-known tricks. The reverse direction of influencing the mind through the body is also interesting, even though it is less discussed. For today’s reading, you are welcome to click here, here, here, here, here, here, …
Hygiene vs OCD
One of the common themes we hear from psychologists is how maintaining proper hygiene is similar or OCD. Are we clean or are we disturbed? Maybe both? Read more here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. The toilet paper panic During the COVID-19 crisis, we could not help noticing …
Healthy lifestyle. What is likely to kill us, and can we prepare for it?
No crisis is as bad as it is portrayed in media. We are human beings, and we are capable of finding meaning in all conditions. The focus of the current article is a healthy lifestyle. I got depressed in a very simple way. I binge-read about 300 articles on psychologytoday site. That is worse than …
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A tribute to healthcare professionals
I want to use this opportunity to provide healthcare professionals with free one-month access to my Thinkific courses claimable in 2020. To claim the access please contact me [email protected].
Best mnemonics and memory training for medical students and nurses – Part 2
Many of my readers and students practice medicine. All memory methods we teach are perfectly suited for medicine. Moreover, in 1:1 Anna uses some exclusive methods SPECIFICALLY developed for the medical students. Since memoization is any extremely important and time-consuming part of any medical practice, and since medical practice is so long and intense, you …
Continue reading “Best mnemonics and memory training for medical students and nurses – Part 2”
Best mnemonics and memory training for medical students and nurses – Part 1
Many of my readers and students practice medicine. All memory methods we teach are perfectly suited for medicine. Moreover, in 1:1 Anna uses some exclusive methods SPECIFICALLY developed for the medical students. Since memoization is any extremely important and time-consuming part of any medical practice, and since medical practice is so long and intense, you …
Continue reading “Best mnemonics and memory training for medical students and nurses – Part 1”
Longevity and weird lifehacks
Running a blog about learning and productivity for so many years, sometimes I surprise people by doing all the other things that I do. Recently one of my students felt overwhelmed and I suggested some mindfulness training. For me, it is no secret that dealing with stress is one of the most important things we …
Sports and mind
Physical activity and mental sports are considered to be some of the best ways to have a young and effective brain. This is an ongoing theme in this blog. For further reading, I suggest reading here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. My childhood fallacy When I was a child, learning was easy for …
Magical thinking and its healing powers
The human mind is strange in many wonderful ways. One of the strangest properties of our mind is the ability to heal the body. We can change the reality by telling a story or visualizing a metaphor. In this article, I try to question the science and the apparent magic of healing. You can further …