Analytical skills and superlearning

When teaching the advanced material of high-level visualization we put a great emphasis on analytical skills.  This skill is required to eliminate introduction of false knowledge. False knowledge is generated when we build inaccurate markers not supported by text. We teach to eliminate false markers only after the students can generate and replace visualiations without …


I promised to explain a bit the super-writing idea. During my PhD I had a class on scientific writing. During the class the professor was focused on various ways of speeding up word processors and blind typing, but some of the lectures were actually useful. He explained that you write the document once, but hundreds …

Hyper-linking: remembering and analyzing huge amounts of information

Hyper-linking is a technology of the internet age.  The resulting data structure is a sparse graph – probably the most versatile and compact form to encode information. The basic premises is very simple. You have an article. Each time you see an interesting word in this article you try to find other articles that use …