Markers for hardware and software

Some of our students need to create visual markers in specific fields of knowledge. Hardware and software are very specific fields of knowledge that require specialized methodology of visualization for engineers and programmers. Below is a discussion attempting to deal with this issue. Question: I’m having troubles creating markers for technical materials such as hardware/software manuals and …

Neuroplasticity – the ability of our brain to rewire itself

Neuroplasticity is the ability of brain to adapt itself. When we change our learning habits we rewire the brain. Some students want to know more about the ability of the brain to rewire. Below is an-depth discussion of the subject. Question: How can anyone “rewire” his/hers brain? Answer: Scientists call this ability neuroplasticity.  Scientists have …

Linking markers

It is not enough to remember details, it is very important to connect the details with each other. There are several  levels of linking markers.  We start from examples of low-level visualization and related linking, and end with high-level visualization and related linking of markers. We start from creating short and simple stories, build up …

How to generate visual markers on-the-fly

Generating markers slowly is not good enough for speedreading. Generating markers fast requires certain level of skill. Our beginner-level student do not know how to overcome the controlled visualization speed limitations. When the students are ready, we teach them to reduce the level of control and enjoy free associations. Below are some discussions from our …

How do I tell what my reading speed and retention scores

Measuring your reading speed and retention score is a simple and important tool to judge your learning abilities. There are many applications that do this for you, but sometimes you want to double-check those results. Anna developed the superlearning tools more than a decade ago and did not need a computer back then. Sometimes low-tech …