Career Fields that Are Least Impacted By Economic Instability


Layoffs aren’t the only bad thing about a recession or an economically unstable situation. An economic downturn can impact everything from your student loans to your work benefits and your retirement savings, especially if it lasts for a while. Our most recent crisis, of course, came from COVID-19, and its effects were felt in some …

10 Ways Cloud Accounting Can Improve SMEs


Accounting has been practiced for centuries. Over the years, accountants have slowly incorporated technology into their processes as innovations and advancements rise. Traditional accounting primarily sought to assess, compile, and record spending. When technology was integrated with accounting, it could look for patterns, causes, or swings in expense behavior. Modern accounting is transforming conventional accounting …

Logical markers: the most intuitive and misunderstood memory construct

Logical markers do not require special learning, as we already learned them in schools for more than a decade.  If you are not using them to remember things, it is a psychological barrier. Once you try, they will feel more natural and intuitive than any other memory construct. My favorite logical marker There is only …

Systematic creativity: sections and subjects of speedwriting and research masterclasses

Sometimes I struggle with naming what I do. Speedwriting and research masterclasses are examples of my bad branding, and I hope to rebrand them in near future. While I might be unhappy with the course names, I am definitely excited about their content. So I tell you what. I will describe the content of the …