Massive memory structures are important for learning entire areas of expertise. Multiple books, articles, conferences, dates and people, and practical experiences can coexist in one context when the context is flexible and can hold around 1 mil keywords. With some training, anyone can build and maintain such structures. Lessons learned during the last 5 years …
Redefine Your Marketing Strategy Using Video Storytelling
In the last quarter of 2021, online videos reached 86% of internet users in the United States alone.[1] Today, that number is up to 90%.[2] The viewers have told the content creators what they want to see. This means video has a more natural impact on a marketing strategy Video in your marketing strategy. And …
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How To Love Studying: Tips And Lifehacks
If you want to grow as a person, you need to love studying. But what if learning is perceived as heavy duty and the desire to learn appears only periodically? How to love learning and motivate yourself if learning is a lifelong journey? Even after graduating from school and university, people continue to learn, for …
August: what you can accomplish in one month
The 1st of September is officially the “back to school” day for me. Before you return to school there are several great things you can do to make school easier. Clearly, a student, a parent, and an expert will do very different things. Here I want to show the options for each category. 30 days …
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How Circadian Optics Can Create the Perfect Environment to be Productive
Do you feel like you can never seem to get anything done during the day? Are you struggling to find a way to be more productive? If so, then you should consider using Circadian Optics. Many factors go into creating a productive work environment. One of the most important is ensuring that you work in …
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5 Best Paraphrasing Tools for College Students
Paraphrasing is an important skill that can especially help students do well when writing unique material for college assignments. There are two main requirements for good paraphrasing. First, you need to understand what is it that you want to write about. Having a clear understanding of the subject matter can help you write a lot …
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A Personal Approach To The Study Of Debating
What is your personal opinion or viewpoint on debating? A debate is a structured discussion to resolve an issue. Every formal debate involves two solutions that support and oppose the debate. Click here for more information.
A Stance on the Debate Culture
An argument on debating and whether it’s worth it: Are you wondering how debating will help students and should it be included in the education curriculum? Read this blog to get a detailed insight into debating.
7 Ways to Restore Your Nervous System
Have you ever woken up in a panic and realized you slept through your alarm? Or maybe you completely forgot about an important deadline. High-stress moments like these trigger our fight-flight-freeze response, causing a release of adrenaline and hormones in our bodies. When you experience these moments often, your nervous system can easily become overloaded. …
9 Best Memory Palace Books to Boost Your Brain
Enhancing memory is a goal shared by students, professionals, and lifelong learners alike. Memory palaces, a technique dating back to ancient Greece, offer a powerful method for remembering vast amounts of information by associating it with specific locations in a familiar place. In this article, we will explore nine of the best books on memory …
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