7 Writing Tips to Build a Successful Social Media Profile as a Consultant

Tips to Build a Successful Social Media Profile

Social media platforms have become juggernauts in terms of digital marketing opportunities over the years. Brands have learned how to harness the potential of social media to reach new audiences, generate sales, and nurture their customer bases. According to Search Engine Journal, there are 4.55 billion social media users worldwide, almost 10% higher than in …

How to Increase Brand Awareness: 7 Tips for Success: Key Tools for Boosting Brand Awareness

How to Increase Brand Awareness

Raising brand awareness can push your business to untold success in the future. We look at some of the most effective ways it can be done, and the changes it can bring you. Brand awareness is crucial for any business in this day and age. In the pre-internet age, brand awareness was a far simpler …

Mindfulness at Work: A Secret Weapon for Productivity or a Cliche?

Mindfulness at Work

While some people bet all their money on magic tricks that promise a miracle cure to all their career problems, there are those who denounce any such strategies as a bunch of mumbo jumbo. However, there is also another group that falls somewhere in the middle of it. Ones who believe that while there is …

How to Streamline Your Content Creation: 10 Steps for Effective Content Development

Streamlining content creation and having an effective content development plan will not only help you save time, but it will ensure the creation process eliminates any time-wasting steps, keep you organized, and help create relevant content that will perform well and deliver real results. Creating content can easily become a tedious task if you and …

7 Tips for Balancing On-Site and Off-Site Work

Off-site work has always been a thing, even before the pandemic. Despite the similar approach, working remotely in the pre-COVID days offers different work-from-home expectations from the current times. Fast-forward today, there are additional challenges with telework amid a pandemic. From the level of flexibility and workload of employees to the logistic concerns of companies, …

Technology Will Take Over the Many Doctors, Lawyers, and Other Professionals

Technology serves as a medium to connect Doctors with patients, teachers with students, lawyers with clients, businesses with customers, and that’s it. There is no harm to any profession for replacement. It has become the most said and misunderstood dialogue all over the internet that Technology will replace professionals but have you ever dived into the depth …

The 5 Best Productivity Apps For Adults With ADHD

Productivity is a laughable concept when ADHD is embedded in every fiber of your daily structure. Our ADHD usually handles productivity like this: “Productivity? You wanna talk productivity? Productivity is managing the post-it notes on our desk for an hour before tossing them in the trash and starting over. Ha!” You see, ADHD does not …

What is limiting my productivity right now?

We want to be more productive and achieve more faster. Yet, most of us do not really know the limiting factors. What is limiting your productivity right now? Is it a lack of knowledge? Imperfect technique? Poorly defined goals? Psychological barriers? Suboptimal equipment? Skills and limitations Things that limit us are numerous and often transparent …