Almost everybody wants to play the guitar, but very few people actually play guitar well. Why my kids play guitar and you should also try to play guitars? How to fight the urge to quit? How much to invest in this hobby? I will try to address all these questions. For more information read here, …
The holy grail display
Some people feel inspired by a massive display. It is the ultimate productivity tool for someone working with AI or photo/video editing. Even if you have many good screens, you want one screen to be exceptionally good. This screen will probably cost as all other screens combined. But what are qualities are you looking for …
Fighting my appetites
Many of my readers can almost feel superhuman, and as we know each superman has his own kryptonite. Is there a cost-efficient way to fight those cravings? I am as curious as you. Today I suggest you visit here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Lev Goldentouch as a use case I do not …
Can Medical Cannabis be an Excellent Alternative to Adderall for ADHD?
Patients suffering from ADHD have been grappling to find an alternate drug to Adderall that works magic but with fewer side effects. Classified as a Schedule II drug, the same as crack and cocaine, it’s the most commonly used drug for ADHD, with over 77% of users according to research done on university students. The …
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Four kinds of monitor technologies you will need
Monitors are possibly the most important equipment for our productivity. Maybe this is the reason the monitor technologies constantly change. Suppose all we need are four monitors. Which monitor technologies will we need? This is actually a tricky question. Most monitors will do what we need reasonably well. How about finding the monitors that do …
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How to Use Your Research Skills and Professional Expertise to Become an Influencer
People are often bombarded with advertising in their daily lives. That’s part of the reason influencer marketing has become so popular. Influencers on social media aren’t a new concept and have been around since the rise of social platforms. However, being an influencer isn’t just about getting money for Instagram posts. It’s about market research …
Top 7 Cognitive Biases Of Insurance Buying Customers
Cognitive biases can kill insurance and when people are stubborn, it is harder to convince them. Identifying these biases opens a new world of possibilities. When it comes to insurance, the risk is the biggest part of the game. While most of the risk lies with the insurance companies, many people have cognitive biases that …
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How to Stay Productive as a Digital Nomad
Not everyone is built for the traditional 9 to 5. Some people dread the prospect of commuting daily to work in an office with the same things to see and the same people to hobnob with. If those statements resonate with you, chances are you are suited for the digital nomad lifestyle. There are many …
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Optimizing Business Processes: 7 Tips for Small Businesses
There are many ways to optimize your business processes. Here are some that will allow you to boost the customer experience. Regardless of the kind of business you run, it’s crucial to keep processes optimized. Business process optimization refers to the streamlining of the steps necessary for your employees to deliver the requirements of their …
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Seven Science-Backed Tips to Remain Productive for Parents with Toddlers
The modern rhythm of life sets high demands for all people, but especially for parents. After all, you need to keep up with everything while finding time for work, kids, and a loved one. Learn how to increase productivity and keep up with everything. Are you yelling at the child and quarreling with your partner? …
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