In some of my courses, I suggest using brands and logos for the visualization of complex ideas. I kind of assume that this is straightforward… What if it isn’t? Here I provide more guidelines and ideas… Avoid abstractions Our language is full of abstractions. When we visualize, we should really avoid abstractions, because how do …
Conceptualized self: Are we perfect the way we are?
We are perfect the way we are. This is a mantra I hear and read very often, yet I fail to implement it in my way of thinking. Where is the catch? Why is it so easy to feel imperfect? Can we become perfect again, and if so, how? I feel flawed I am flawed. …
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Elegance and minimalism as a cultural quality
Japanese culture is minimalistic and elegant. What can we learn from it, and how can we implement the best sides of this culture? Do we really need all the stuff that we have, and what price do we pay for it? Elegance and minimalism also cost money. What is the best tradeoff? I will share …
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Humanity’s Tendency Towards Loneliness
Is loneliness so bad? So many of us replaced real-life connections with virtual ones. We miss the human touch. Our brain reacts differently. We are social animals. Yet many people in human history willingly choose and enjoy loneliness and even hermitage. I did not form my opinion yet, so I invited Jack Lee to write …
Illusions and perspectives
Visual illusions use the automatic mechanisms of the brain to create something that is not there or create multiple alternative re.presentations. Sometimes life itself feels like the greatest illusion of them all. By changing the perspective, we can understand some illusions better. What can we learn from this? For today’s reading, the links are here, …
Eight Solid Ways to Improve All Types of Your Business Writing
Many of my students learn speedreading and speedwriting to boost their careers. Any careers. A large part of my career dealt with research, product design, and engineering. So my examples also come from my world. This is one of the reasons I like it so much to present you with guest posts. Here Jessica Fender, …
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Math: organization and frustration
Sometimes the learning skills have nothing to do with memory or speedreading. They can involve creativity and analytical skills, but this is not the point here. The point is simple: without proper organization, you will not progress! This is especially true for math. Read alternative math teaching ideas here and here. How to learn basic …
Do not mess up with autobiographical memory
When you practice memory, make sure you do not encode over your deepest emotional experiences. Our memories can be fragile, and if we mess up with autobiographical memory our past will turn into a blur. There is some controversy about this point, so you are welcome to disagree. If you are ready to dive deep …
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Low hanging fruit when … reading?
There is a productivity concept of going after the “low hanging fruit” first. This adds assets and confidence for harder tasks and allows to increase the complexity level slowly. Not always this approach is easy to use. For example: what is the low hanging fruit when reading? Layers of complexity There are easy and complex …
The most effective mindset for training
It is hard to overestimate the role of psychological aspects in learning and productivity. While these aspects might be transparent and hard to deal with, they define the ultimate success or failure of the entire process. Each kind of training may need a different mindset. Usually, the most effective combination is passionate anticipation before the …