What is the basic structure of our brains? How are our memory formed? Can we influence that? Do we need to rely on mnemonic devices each time? Will our memories get lost in translation? Today we will try to examine the most basic layer of memory. This article is important, so I will try to …
Eleven twelve and counting systems
Our math is strongly linked with our fingers. If we ever meet another civilization, even on this earth, the numbers will probably be different. How come? This discussion is an exercise in basic mathematical and historic intuition. Very few people see math the way I present it here. How do you count fingers? We have …
Productivity pipelines
How do we organize our activities? There are many methods. I claim that if you like mindmaps, you will organize your activities in pipelines. This methodology is flexible and effective. It comes from the computer architecture universe. How do we approach productivity? While I briefly address common productivity subjects, my productivity course is very DIFFERENT. …
Rules of the internet
Does popular culture follow its own rules? Is there a deeper truth where urban legends meet modern technologies? Let us brainstorm together with homework assignment experts from myassignmentlab.com. Let us brainstorm together. Read more here, here, and here. The rules of the internet Internet was first used for communication between scientists, but in 1990s it was already everywhere. …
Eiffel and genius
Some people are outliers. Today we think about Elon Musk. History is full of such people. What makes them different and what can we learn from them? I want to discuss today a less known genius Gustave Eiffel, who was like Elon Musk one hundred years ago. Reading or researching biographies is a nice speedreading …
Not a memorable PAO
Some of my students cannot generate a memorable PAO. To be honest, this was hard for me too. Moreover, there are no good guides about it. There are great coaches that can help, but their availability is limited. So I decided to share some of my insights. If you cannot remember a visualization in a …
Shaping your brain you design your life
We can basically design our own life. This is challenging, but well within our capabilities. In more than one way our life is our greatest creation, and it deserves our respect. It is definitely not science, and in may fail, not unlike the greatest culinary creations. In this article, I invite you to my “kitchen” …
Identity and destiny
One of the hardest questions I know: do we have power over our destiny? I will rephrase. To which extent are we controlled by our passions and indifference rather than a conscious choice? Which individual differences guide our decisions and luck? Can we learn our own identity? Can we learn to be better as human …
Daydreaming before the year ends
Before this year ends, let me suggest a daydreaming exercise. Enjoy the longest nights of the year and prepare for the next year. Realign your goals and your values. Most importantly enjoy a peaceful night. You deserve it. More reading here, here, here, here, and here. The miracle of revival Somehow the week around the longest …
The Epicurean way
The opposite of the stoic way is the Epicurean way. It is an equally powerful and still relevant position. Rather than focusing on doing the right thing in face of adversity, it may be easier to avoid unpleasant situations. Sure, this requires more knowledge and creativity, but I think it is totally worth the effort. …