How Being Bilingual Can Help Your Career Development

Whether you’re already a bilingual speaker, or thinking of learning another language, having this skill is a great way for you to stay competitive in the job market. Knowing a foreign language has many benefits, especially when it comes to career growth and personal development. Here are a few ways of being bilingual or multilingual …

Under the Influence: How Social Media Steals Your Time, Focus, and Money

Social media is commonly known to take up the majority of our days, whether we really know it or not. When many of us have a couple of minutes to spare, we find ourselves scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media platform. And oddly enough, most of us don’t know the impacts …

Personality awareness

One of the basic skills of emotional intelligence is understanding yourself: personality, motives, and emotions. This is one of the possible steps to harness the things that make us special: honesty, authenticity, compassion. Unfortunately, no school teaches this particular skill. Even meditation usually focuses on transcending self rather than leveraging it. Let us think about …