For many students the school is intimidating. I was intimidated by bullies in the elementary school and the school gym. My wife Anna suffered from dyslexia until she learned speedreading, and some school subjects were quite fearsome for her. Some of my friends and fellow memory experts feared math. The school does not have to …
How to Futureproof Your Career (Infographic)
Most of the people below the age of 40 are somewhat stressed about the future of their chosen occupation. We are entering the age of AI, and no job is truly safe. In this guest article, David Keane is trying to assess the risks. You are welcome to share your thoughts and concerns in the comments. According …
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Opening up for learning
People who read this blog usually are interested in learning. People who contact us are working hard to improve their learning skills. Some of the people write to thank us for our job, and this is very satisfying. Others ask for advice. Many conversations start from technical questions and quite soon deal with deal with deep …
Revisiting places of memory
We may train our memory and read texts, but then how much of that will we remember just after a day? We may go further, create notes and review them for a while, but eventually, we will stop. How much will we remember after twenty years? Does memory training work at all when we consider long …
Best Ways to Show Your Emotional Intelligence in an Interview
So you have just been invited for a job interview. This has come probably after months of applications sending. To be honest, job interviews come with their own pressures; how to impeccably respond to questions asked, your demeanor when asked difficult questions, and most importantly, how you grab your hiring manager’s attention and create that good, …
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The illusive link between physical activity and IQ
Not all learning has to do with reading. Muscle memory is equally important for everything we do. Some people are born with a great muscle memory and should be able to use it for cognitive tasks. Others, like me, are lacking in muscle memory and need to supplement using other skills. I am writing this …
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Why are keytostudy courses different?
You can take many great courses. Why buy the keytostudy courses on thinkific? I am finally in a position to provide a good answer. Personal support You can write me [email protected] and I will personally support you. Please do not write me with the materials of other people. I am not supporting Jonathan Levi’s or …
Plato, AI and humility
Our world often outsmarts us. The way we see the reality is just one perspective, and usually not the most effective. True humility might be one of the best qualities to have. In this article, I was inspired by the argumentation here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Misology Misology is defined as the …
7 Realistic Goals with 7 Steps to Achieve and Maintain Academic Success
With the high price of education, we should be smart enough to ensure some return on investment. Different people will give you different advice. You may choose a good job: as a doctor, lawyer or engineer. Alternatively, you may pursue your passion and have a chance of becoming the world class expert in something. And …
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Sports and mind
Physical activity and mental sports are considered to be some of the best ways to have a young and effective brain. This is an ongoing theme in this blog. For further reading, I suggest reading here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. My childhood fallacy When I was a child, learning was easy for …