People who train speedreading sometimes make great progress, and sometimes work very hard and make little progress. One of the groups of students who are struggling are the control freaks. There are several mistakes control freaks often make: fighting against the training methodology, trying to devise a different and less effective progress path, micromanaging the …
Visualize your future self to become a better person
Not all of the self-improvement is hard work and attention to details. Some tricks work like magic, or maybe a sort of hypnosis. One of the most useful tricks is addressing your future self. For today’s reading I have selected articles here, here, here, here, here, and here. Caring about future self. Studies show that …
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Kill old ideas to get more creative
We need to kill old ideas all the time to make space for creativity. Yet, we need to be careful not to “throw the baby out with the bathwater”. I truly believe that lifelong learning, self-awareness, and moderation can help with this process. In this article, I will try to explain how. We have a …
Rethinking identity
We can and should choose our own story and our identity. Shaping the way we present our identity does not change our most authentic core. It builds upon our deepest strengths and leverages them for our own benefit and so that we can help others. For today’s reading, I suggest some interesting articles here, here, …
Never tell people to improve
Are we too hard with ourselves for our own good? Recent studies show that more rest, positive language and acceptance will improve our lives. For more information, you are welcome to read here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Why now? As the year ends, we review our year and summarize its results. Some …
Treating traveling as the perfect investment in your future
When we have time and money we love to travel. This serves some deep need in human nature. Being a scientist, each time that I see a deep need I am looking for a competitive advantage. Why is traveling a good investment, and how can we improve it? For today’s reading, I have chosen …
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Boost Your Career With Further Education (Infographic)
We often talk about the value of lifelong learning and about the value of visualization. Today we have a special treat. Philip Boschman from Trainwest shared a great infographic about the benefits of lifelong learning. “Commit yourself to lifelong learning. The most valuable asset you’ll ever have is your mind and what you put into …
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What is Feynman Technique? The Study Method you should know
One of the greatest virtues that human beings possess is the ability to learn and use logic. This same virtue allows us, just as we satisfy our stomachs with food, we can nourish the brain with new knowledge. However, there are learnings whose meanings are so ambiguous that study methods or techniques are needed to …
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Learning styles: Visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Which one are you?
Are you visual? Maybe more auditory? Will you be kinesthetic? Learn about the different learning styles and discover what style you are. We all have different ways of learning! Each person learns in different ways. Therefore, it is very important that educational institutions at all levels take note of how they can exploit different learning …
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Hyper-focus, multitasking and the wonderland of ADHD
The omnipresent screens, intense psycho didactic evaluations and the unbelievable complexity of modern life make focusing more challenging. It is both a blessing and a challenge. We review various aspects of focusing and ADHD from time to time and not is a good time to return to the same subject from a different perspective. Before …
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