Usually, when we discuss learning we address anything but feelings. This can be very convenient if our feelings are tuned with what we learned. When our feelings are in the way of what we learn, we try to activate the willpower and concentrate on more intellectual and technical aspects of learning. Sometimes we would like …
5 Regrets of Straight A-Student
Being a successful student does not necessarily mean having great grades. A successful student will have grades above adequate, and also will network with other students, learn a couple of things about life, and have fun. The learning success is mirrored by a successful career. Grades alone do not promise a career success. The articles …
Learning that shapes us
While there is some correlation between the success at school and success in life, this correlation is weak. Even the connection between school grades and research success is not always clear. We can find ourselves in changing roles as a student, a researcher, and a teacher with very different requirements at each stage of our career. …
Great mentors
We talk a lot about finding mentors. If you find a great mentor, it opens new horizons. If you are a great mentor, you change lives and make a difference. Yet we seldom discuss the qualities of a great mentor. This article is partially inspired by what you can read here, here, here, here, here …
How to Improve Visual Memory with the Help of Mandala?
Few of the methods we offer are invented by us, more methods are based on cutting-edge research. Yet, some of the most important self-improvement techniques are very old. In this guest article, Daniel Dishman mentions one of the ancient techniques: Buddhist mandala practice. The mandala practice tends to be very complex emotionally charged for the …
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Minimizing self-sabbotage
We sabbotage ourselves in many ways. Some of the more dangerous things we can do is trying to “hit rock bottom” or attempting a “leap of faith”. This blog is focused on learning, and if we want to learn we need to stay in the game and minimize self-sabbotage. You can read more about the …
Is it reasonable to work and study?
It is well-known that most of the students work during their school years to earn badly needed money and life experience. There are some studies that show the value of parental help on later career success. However, not all parents have 15 000 dollars annually to pay for the expenses of their children. Students that …
Magical thinking and its healing powers
The human mind is strange in many wonderful ways. One of the strangest properties of our mind is the ability to heal the body. We can change the reality by telling a story or visualizing a metaphor. In this article, I try to question the science and the apparent magic of healing. You can further …
The Key to Successful Education Is Investment
Education is one of the main investments in our culture. Countries invest in schools, parents often do the homework tegether with kids, tutors are highered for the hard subjects, then we assume huge debts for the academic degree, and spend a lot of our time in the university for the advanced degree. This sort of …
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Things I learnt raising my own children
It is very easy to give other people advice on raising their children. We even wrote this course on Udemy. How we raise our own children is a different matter. Here we apply not what we believe to be right, but what can be done with our resources. I will share some of my own …