People who are vulnerable or emotionally hurt tend to make poor decisions. Addiction, depression, social status, criticism and some other things can influence individuals and whole societies to choose a path of self-destruction. We live in a society that drives us to be productive beyond our capabilities, so this article is relevant for most of …
Neurotic life, resilience and handling stress
I am probably a neurotic person. For sure I react to stressors. Fortunately, I am also sufficiently intelligent to channel my anxieties in a constructive way. In this article, I share my personal ways to deal with neurotism backed up by scientific research. For more information check out here, here, here, here, here, here, here …
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Direct current brain stimulation
A couple of weeks ago I finally found the courage to pump my brain with direct current as I read a very complex mathematical paper. I bought a very simple device called “The Brain Stimulator” and used “improving insightfulness” setting. The electrodes were moist and warm and quite pleasant. The device was extremely easy to …
Funny, animals, and scientists
Every year, my April 1st article is dedicated to humor. Humor is very basic to what makes us humans. Babies laugh well before they can walk and talk. Some animals, like rats and apes, are also capable of laughter. Some scientists claim this is a side-effect of the mirror neurons which can be responsible for …
New era of job relations
New era job relations is about to dawn. There has been a fair number of industrial revolutions, yet each such revolution is fundamentally different from the previous one. And while we wait for machines to be smarter than people, we experience a small revolution in job relations. Today I suggest reading here, here, here, here, …
Benefits of writing fiction
Most of my writing is non-fiction. I have a friend who often tells me I really should write a fiction story. SOme of his arguments make sense. You can read more about benefits of writing fiction here, here, here, and here. Improved learning by writing We learn actively. Writing is an activity that forces us …
How to Make Correct Notes in the Classroom
There are many options for taking notes. This guest post by Sandra Larson shares some of her insights on the subjects with my comments. Why do you need to take a note? A skill of taking notes is needed to avoid failure at school or college as it will help you stay alert and focus. The …
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Burdens of intelligence and how to ease them
Being smart is not always good for you. The negative effects outweigh the benefits above IQ of 160. Our IQ is dynamic and can change as we learn. The knowledge we gain by learning can become a burden unless we know how to handle it. For more information try reading here, here, here, here, and here. …
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Man and machine working together
Man invented tools at the dawn of history. For millennia these tools were improved and redesigned, until today, for the first time in human history, these tools might be smarter than us. Super-smart computers are scary and unpredictable. There are reasons both for concern and for optimism. You are welcome to read more here, here, …
Ditch perfection and embrace lucid dreams
Perfectionism is a big issue. It is a destructive habit which we do not always see as such. Quite often we discuss “brainy habits”. It is hard to ditch a behavior, easier to replace some behavior with others. For today’s reading I have chosen here, here, here, here, here, and here. Let it go People …
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