Are we too hard with ourselves for our own good? Recent studies show that more rest, positive language and acceptance will improve our lives. For more information, you are welcome to read here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Why now? As the year ends, we review our year and summarize its results. Some …
Rhetorics and magic mirror
There are many articles about various cognitive biases and various ways to deal with them. There are even more articles about the manipulators trying to create alternative facts and how we can resist them. I would like to believe that the vast majority of human beings do not aim to manipulate, and are not very …
Learning empathy through your inner adult
Each of us arguably has an inner child, inner parent and inner adult. While psychologists often discuss inner child and inner parent, the abilities of inner adult are often underrated. For more information you are welcome to read here, here, here, here, here, here and here. Transactional analysis Eric Berne presented the transactional analysis to …
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Groundhog Day or Memory Errors
Two people can see the same movie or read the same book and come out with a very different memory of what they saw. Some people have unique perspectives that are surprisingly fresh and unexpected. In this guest article, Daniel Dishman shares a unique perspective on the classical movie “Groundhod Day”. Who doesn’t like …
Unreasonable expectations and struggling families
Our unreasonable expectations quite often do not allow us to be successful and happy. We can see it in many areas of life. Our children are the clearest mirror of our expectations and strange ways they are shaping the reality. Managing expectations is definitely something any responsible adult should strive to master. You can read …
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Rethink your emotions
As the summer is about to end, it may be a good time to get the last moments of the summer vacation and sun and prepare for the next round of learning. For many people, this is an emotional time combining anxiety, anticipation, and pleasure. Many people use the vacation to shake off the stress …
Learning with feelings
Usually, when we discuss learning we address anything but feelings. This can be very convenient if our feelings are tuned with what we learned. When our feelings are in the way of what we learn, we try to activate the willpower and concentrate on more intellectual and technical aspects of learning. Sometimes we would like …
Learning that shapes us
While there is some correlation between the success at school and success in life, this correlation is weak. Even the connection between school grades and research success is not always clear. We can find ourselves in changing roles as a student, a researcher, and a teacher with very different requirements at each stage of our career. …
Magical thinking and its healing powers
The human mind is strange in many wonderful ways. One of the strangest properties of our mind is the ability to heal the body. We can change the reality by telling a story or visualizing a metaphor. In this article, I try to question the science and the apparent magic of healing. You can further …
Focus on your work and get into flow
Normal people hate working. We are paid to do something that benefits other people rather than doing something we enjoy. One of the main incentives for people in their thirties and forties to work is simply escaping the home. Kids, cleaning and other daily activities can be even less fun than working. Yet, people who …