A Quant Finance Qualification Will Help You With Your Job Hunt And Investment Portfolio

Quant Finance Qualification

If you know a bit math and some investment theory you can make money. This can be a very competitive opportunity, and if you are good you will make more money and a fancy career. This guest post by Laura Jimenez is a bit strange. It was written long before it was submitted to me, …

How to Start Saving For College: Tips to Staying On Track With Your Goals and Budget

Quality education is one of the best investments since it has spectacular returns. However, the minimal investment required for a respectable degree is often as high as a small mortgage. The effort is easier for wealthy families but also doable otherwise.  In this guest post, Kayla Montgomery shares her tips for college saving.  As for …

Reflecting Healthy Levels of Financial Leveraging Through Credit Scores

Picture this: your credit score as a magic mirror that reflects your money habits. The better your habits, the higher your score! But what does it all mean?    Well, credit scores show how well we handle loans and credit cards. They can even impact your ability to get a car or rent an apartment …

The Business Owner’s Guide to Survey Data Analysis

In this guest post,  Heidi Thiel from siegemedia.com outlines the main aspects of a successful survey from writing the questions to their analysis. Customer surveys are one of the most valuable tools business owners can use. Since survey data is straight from the source, business owners can get unbiased and accurate insights about customers, things …

Strategy and resilience: planning in uncertain environment

We live in an uncertain environment. Nothing we learn truly teaches us to deal with uncertainty. Even very rational people behave irrationally in an uncertain environment. Here are some ideas that help me personally deal with uncertainty. Show sport spirit Sometimes we win and sometimes we lose, no matter how smart we are. If we …