When we research stuff online, it is best to keep a diary. This is a short and useful article, so no further reading today. Why do we need online research? Some younger and less experienced people try to learn things from books and video courses. These learning channels are definitely useful but not very effective. …
Use music to be more productive and creative
Music can make us more creative, improve memory, and do some other wonderful things. We feel it, we understand it, and yet we do not really know how to use it. So I present a cool overview with practical tips. More information here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Multiple levels of music involvement …
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Deconstructing awe
Our world is in information overdrive. Most of us do not remember the feeling of awe. Yet this fascination is the fundamental driving force of art, science and many other human activities. Please help me recover the lost awe. You are also welcome to read here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Doing fascinating things …
Spending time with teenagers
Once we have teenage kids, we need to change the way we work with them. We can use more complex strategies, and the responses we get will be almost adult. At the same time, we still need to play with them, just using a different gaming environment. In this article, I talk from my personal …
Intuition in a blink of the eye
Can we trust our intuition? Possibly. Some of the best and the worst decisions were based on intuition, especially highly creative or controversial ones. Many people have an extraordinary level of luck and intuition. Others are just never right. For more reading please see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Practical advice If …
Restarting training
So you had an issue and needed to restart training. This happens to 20% of my students. Now try to leverage the situation! Hell with shame People have the prejudice that failing once or trice should mean something. In fact, many highly successful people failed dozens of times in a row without giving up. If …
Remove invisible obstacles while training
If you do not progress as you should have, there might be obstacles you failed to notice. What kind of obstacles are we talking about and what can be done to remove them? Not enough training This should be quite obvious. To see progress one should train and invest effort. I am not talking about …
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Become a polymath in 5 simple steps
I think I qualify for a polymath, and if I was able to do this you can also do this quite easily. The recipe is very simple: learn the stuff you passionate about and implement the stuff you learned. Implementation is more complex due to time limitations. For more reading, see articles here, here, here, …
Independent children
Just how independent should our children be? Ten generations ago they used to be extremely independent. From a young age, children worked to make money. They had to cook for themselves and other children. They invested in learning and walked miles to a school to learn how to read and write. I am talking about …
Magnetic mind: memories are the fundament of our identity
Our mind is magnetic and we should use it! The power of our identity can shape the way we learn. Our experiences and memories shape our identity. We assemble ourselves from bits and pieces and attract things we truly need. For more information read here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Dr. Manhatten’s story …
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