Executive functions: Willpower, discipline and anxiety

Most of my students are very focused, motivated and responsible. These good qualities often have a side-effect of people pressing themselves too hard or running from inner demons. It is important to find the right balance. For more reading check here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Improving executive functions By practicing memory and visualization, …

Strategy and resilience: planning in uncertain environment

We live in an uncertain environment. Nothing we learn truly teaches us to deal with uncertainty. Even very rational people behave irrationally in an uncertain environment. Here are some ideas that help me personally deal with uncertainty. Show sport spirit Sometimes we win and sometimes we lose, no matter how smart we are. If we …

Brain hacking

Brain hacking sounds really exciting, only nobody knows that this actually means. We can do all sorts of cool things: improve brain functions by applying an electrical current, consume nootropics and get high scores, do things much better due to cool strategies. I will discuss these aspects and more. You can read further here, here, here, …