We can and should choose our own story and our identity. Shaping the way we present our identity does not change our most authentic core. It builds upon our deepest strengths and leverages them for our own benefit and so that we can help others. For today’s reading, I suggest some interesting articles here, here, …
Treating traveling as the perfect investment in your future
When we have time and money we love to travel. This serves some deep need in human nature. Being a scientist, each time that I see a deep need I am looking for a competitive advantage. Why is traveling a good investment, and how can we improve it? For today’s reading, I have chosen …
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Boost Your Career With Further Education (Infographic)
We often talk about the value of lifelong learning and about the value of visualization. Today we have a special treat. Philip Boschman from Trainwest shared a great infographic about the benefits of lifelong learning. “Commit yourself to lifelong learning. The most valuable asset you’ll ever have is your mind and what you put into …
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Hyper-focus, multitasking and the wonderland of ADHD
The omnipresent screens, intense psycho didactic evaluations and the unbelievable complexity of modern life make focusing more challenging. It is both a blessing and a challenge. We review various aspects of focusing and ADHD from time to time and not is a good time to return to the same subject from a different perspective. Before …
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The game of first impressions
We tend to think that most of the decisions people make are based on research, argumentation and careful planning. This is a very nice thought. From time to time people make educated choices. More often though people simply trust their first impression, or try to justify it one way or another. In this article I …
5 Tips To Improve Your Writing In Academic English
There are many resources on how to write better, yet most of these resources are too specific, too generic or poorly written. This guest article by Carol Duke captures the essence of writing in academic English as a set of simple and clear bullets: rules to live by as a writer. I hope you will …
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The Importance of Early Childhood Education
Personally, I believe that people are good, as long as nobody messes with their minds. In my opinion, empathy, learning, and critical thinking should be widely used to protect ourselves and others from bullies and manipulators. The author of this article argues that people can be bad unless they are taught ethics from a very …
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Rhetorics and magic mirror
There are many articles about various cognitive biases and various ways to deal with them. There are even more articles about the manipulators trying to create alternative facts and how we can resist them. I would like to believe that the vast majority of human beings do not aim to manipulate, and are not very …
Learning empathy through your inner adult
Each of us arguably has an inner child, inner parent and inner adult. While psychologists often discuss inner child and inner parent, the abilities of inner adult are often underrated. For more information you are welcome to read here, here, here, here, here, here and here. Transactional analysis Eric Berne presented the transactional analysis to …
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What’s wrong with productivity tips
Every week I see articles with productivity tips. Since there are so many productivity articles, I have to assume they are not working. Where do I find productivity tips? You can find a large collection of productivity tips here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. What is the problem with productivity tips? Being …