Some of our students wonder regarding nature vs nurture controversy. The subject is very much open. See for example this nice article or these inspiring quotes. I will try to share some of my own experience. Back in 2008 came this amazing book which claimed to determine some of the factors that contribute to high …
Goal setting methodology
Occasionally my students share information that is valuable for everyone studying keytostudy methodology. Below is such a discussion from our Udemy discussion thread, taken as-is and without editing. Orlando Watson This is just to help people to define their goal in a S.M.A.R.T Way: 1. What is your goal? 2. What would you like …
Brain games and IQ
There are many brain gyms and brain games of various sorts that claim they can make you smarter. Do games increase IQ or Measure IQ? This is hardly scientifically sound. If you play some game, the practice will eventually increase the specific skills required to succeed in the game. After playing the game for a …
Learning new things and getting out of comfort zone
When we need to learn something new we step out of our comfort zone. While some people find it very easy and inspiring, others need to manage the courage. I have overfocus ADHD, which means I have especially hard time accepting changes. One of the reasons I feel such a dire need to know almost …
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Why you should take 1:1 with Anna
We invest significant efforts to make all the resources you need to learn readily available. However, there is only so much a reasonable person can learn all alone or even in a workbook. 1:1 skype lessons with Anna [notice, it is paid and not cheap] is the most effective way to learn. Usually, I say that …
Information diet
Information diet is a new idea that is challenging the way we consume information in post-PC society. For example this article claims 7 secrets of limiting distraction and becoming more productive. Personally, while I disagree with this approach, I do recommend some caution with information intake. Our brain was not designed to digest the information …
Speed is the new intelligence
This great post by Dilbert creator argues that speed is the new intelligence. Is that really true? The intelligence discussed by Scott Adams has to do with common sense and big numbers. Technology facilitate access to people, ability to generate and test ideas, access to supporting information and knowledge. Simply by using information technology properly …
Commit to superlearning mastery
When our students start their training we ask them to sate their goals in terms of reading speed and retention. Once the student qualifies (800wpm 80% retention), he/she is encouraged to set and pursue any new goals. For those graduates, that still feel the need to improve their superlearning I suggest to pursue mastery. Mastery …
Career boosting mindset
Following simple rules may boost your career and improve your chances for success. While gaining superlearning experience, we follow the same rules. See for yourself: Courage over fear. Choosing the way of superlearning requires some courage. While there are dedicated teachers and many students have reached their goals, there are no guarantees that you will …
Doodling at school and at work will boost your productivity
Once in a while we write about doodling (or freestyle annotation) and its benefits. Students drawing in their papers where mistreated by generations of teachers. They were asked to focus, to stop fooling around and to listen to the teachers. However, the human spirit is stronger than education fashions, and student persistently doodled in school …
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