JavaScript For Frontend And Backend- Commonalities And Differences

JavaScript For Frontend And Backend

According to studies, JavaScript is the most frequently used programming language. More than two-thirds of those polled said they wanted to utilize it in 2020. The world of programming languages is always evolving to accommodate the needs of companies and their clients. There are an estimated 2500 programming languages in use today. However, that is …

Self-Help Mobile Apps: Development, Trends, Types & Features

Since the past decade, mobile app development has been changing the lifestyle. Mobile apps are too popular and useful. So, they serve entrepreneurs and industries. We know that the mobile app industry is the fastest growing area. Hence, it has brought several business opportunities for 2022. Therefore, in this article, we have come up with …

Rules of the internet

Does popular culture follow its own rules? Is there a deeper truth where urban legends meet modern technologies? Let us brainstorm together with homework assignment experts from  Let us brainstorm together. Read more here, here, and here. The rules of the internet Internet was first used for communication between scientists, but in 1990s it was already everywhere. …

Safe Research: 7 Ways to Boost your Cybersecurity While Using Web Search

Cybersecurity, while we research, is something all of us ignore. It is very easy to feel safe when we search, knowing that the search engine will alarm us if something bad happens and antivirus will further react if we are in real trouble. The reality is a bit more complex. As we are searching for …