Hyper-linking: remembering and analyzing huge amounts of information

Hyper-linking is a technology of the internet age.  The resulting data structure is a sparse graph – probably the most versatile and compact form to encode information. The basic premises is very simple. You have an article. Each time you see an interesting word in this article you try to find other articles that use …

Daily reading

How much should you read every day? Our students love to read. Our students want to read. Our students need to read. Actually I am not so sure this is true. How many books/articles/blog did you read last year? Was it less than 1000 pages? If so you will eventually loose your reading skills… Was it …

Advanced superlearning course

For years I have been teaching the “advanced” course and yet I had only a handful of students.  Advanced course teaches high-level visualization, linking large amounts of information, prioritization of information, powerful prereading and other interesting superlearning techniques. What is not a part of the advanced course The “advanced” course does not handle speedreading and …