Never break words into letters unless you study Klingon


It is useful to leverage the available information in large chunks. The larger the chunks, the faster and more effective the process. The smallest chunks to remember are letters. The larger chunks may include the keywords that allow access to the entire resource. The most unfriendly language Klingon is a constructed language, specifically intended to …

Sections and subjects of speedreading and senses masterclasses

My reading speed and technique improved dramatically from the time I started speedreading. I would go as far as say that speedreading is a form of biohacking: it is the ability to hack into our senses and generate far more than the senses allow. Therefore in the future, I will bundle speedreading with hacking the …

Long term memory: revisiting vs speedwriting

Suppose you want to remember something for a very long time. How do you ensure memorization? There are many methods, which can be roughly divided into three categories: reviewing the notes (revisiting), actively using (speedwriting) and lifestyle choices (sleep, food, …).  Here I compare revisiting with speedwriting, and provide some actionable tips. The lifestyle element …