One of the important skills for massive speedreading is reading diary maintenance. The subject sounds a bit dull, but it is more important and more complex than it appears. Occasionally I write articles about various kinds of reading diaries. Here I want to focus on getting the best return on the time invested maintaining such …
Reading diary for online research
When we research stuff online, it is best to keep a diary. This is a short and useful article, so no further reading today. Why do we need online research? Some younger and less experienced people try to learn things from books and video courses. These learning channels are definitely useful but not very effective. …
Use music to be more productive and creative
Music can make us more creative, improve memory, and do some other wonderful things. We feel it, we understand it, and yet we do not really know how to use it. So I present a cool overview with practical tips. More information here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Multiple levels of music involvement …
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Patterns in history: War and weather
I love history. When learning history, I try to capture long-term patterns and remember events through these patterns. Unlike conspiration theorists, I do not assume these patterns have meaning beyond mnemonic devices. And then again… 9/11 and temperature History is full of patterns. Some of these patterns are real, others are like objects we tend …
Learn to speedread better from synchronous translation
Language is one of the primary tools in any career. We use language to formulate ideas, collaborate, express ourselves, and inspire others. There is a group of people who use language differently and spectacularly. Moreover, all of us can learn from them. These are the professionals involved in synchronous translation. Read more here, here, here, and …
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Is my visualization memorable?
Coming up with good visualizations is either very easy or very hard depending on the subjects. Here are some guidelines. Meaningful The visualization needs to have some meaning for you. If you cannot define what you visualize, or the visualization generates “who cares” or “I am confused” emotions, you need to change something. The visualizations …
Reading and memory misconceptions
Here I want to address the common misconceptions of my students. Do not be surprised if you have some of them. Hope this will help you. Today I address materials covered in three courses: the intro superlearning minicourse, memory masterclass and speedreading masterclass . Avail our these courses with special discounts. There’s no need to …
Do we trust science?
The premise of science was a methodological search for the truth and the nature of the universe. Faith or philosophy claims something to be true because it was claimed by authorities and is logically consistent. Science uses the scientific method and claims to predict the outcome of events. Science is valid as long as the …
Serious people have serious problems
Many of my students complain that the harder they try, the slower their progress becomes. Let it go. It is counterintuitive to be calm and focused on things that are of crucial importance. Yet, this might be the best formula for success. In this article, I will try to explain how to get into this …
Restarting training
So you had an issue and needed to restart training. This happens to 20% of my students. Now try to leverage the situation! Hell with shame People have the prejudice that failing once or trice should mean something. In fact, many highly successful people failed dozens of times in a row without giving up. If …