The enigmatic state of “flow” enables us to achieve a lot in a very short timeframe. There are many discussions regarding getting into the flow state: prepare yourself to emerge in work, match the task at hand with your personal skill, anticipate the work, remove whatever blocks your creativity. However, it is very seldom that …
Back to school tips: prepare for learning
This is another “back to school” article with a twist. Most of our content is focused on how to read faster and remember everything. Today I want to talk about a slightly different subject: how to organize things and prepare self for learning. I am using this article as a starting point. Read syllabus. Before …
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Mental math
Use THIS TEST and then read below. Long before the age of computers, people used to calculate in their heads. There were many methods of mental math that allow astonishing math deeds. As it is in our age, computers can crunch numbers much better than humans. Yet som dedicated sportsmen still train to excel in …
Creative training vs grit
When we discuss superlearning training we emphasize two elements: creativity and determination. Both are necessary and supplement each other quite nicely. Our students are expected to do some computer training ~30 min per day and some reading for at least 60 min a day. After finishing the course the computer training is no longer required, …
Accepting myself
We often proclaim that our students need to find their own way. What do we mean and what is the main obstacle? People are different. This is what makes us more interesting and valuable. Jewish wisdom proclaims “He who saves one soul it’s as if he saved the entire world”. Yet we are continuously conditioned …
Marker dictionary
Occasionally you will need to make a marker dictionary. This method is typically required for medical and legal students, because the terms they use may be so abstract and complex that no reasonable markers can be created spontaneously. To some extent, a large quantity of number memorization (via major system/PAO) or memorization of foreign words …
Using Webinars and Peer coaching
When we decide to generate the Mastermind coaching groups, there were two major exclusive benefits we wanted to add. These are webinars and peer coaching. Both options look very trivial in the first glance, yet they are very complex to hack for your maximal benefit. The basic need any of our students experiences during his …
Is there such as thing as too many ideas?
There is such a thing as having too many ideas. In the world of business and entrepreneurship there is an analysis procedure just for this sort of things. You could analyze risks and benefits, business environment, your ability to execute each idea and choose to focus on the best overall prospect. When you treat yourself …
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5 whys and mindmaps
There is a popular belief that if you ask “why” five times you will get to the root cause of any problem. Here is a cool article about it. The method was developed by engineers, and not by scientists, so we do not really know how well it works. It does show an interesting tendency …
Law of diminishing returns when training your brain
Does learning more generate better outcome? This is a common question I am asked. For example here: JS: What are reasonable Speed-Reading goals? Hello. I started going through the course materials just over a week ago and I set an initial specific goal of reading 2000 wpm by April of this year (about 6 weeks …
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