To which extent are we able to evaluate our knowledge? Apparently we are not that good. There are several biases of the cognition that make us more comfortable with ourselves than we should be. Take for example confirmation bias. We assume some line of thought. Now everything new we see makes us more sure in …
Study skills for college students
Occasionally I am getting recommendations for articles. This great article was found by some of our readers. I suggest you reading the original article, below I present my personal opinion about the subject. First of all, I would like to say that getting a specific degree is not the most important part of college experience. …
Versatility and power of visualization
We love being superlearners. We read fast and we learn fast and we try to make the world a better place, and it is a wonderful feeling. We do forget the skills we acquire on our way can be used for other equally exciting achievements. Visualization is a skill that can be used for pretty …
The 30 days training schedule
Some of our students only have 30 days to prepare. What can be achieved in 30 days and how can it be trained? Week 1: Learning the basics For the best results try to make 4 sessions per day, ~30 min each. First 8 sessions do only option 1, afterwards alternate option 1 and option …
Time flow
Time is subjective. I hear about “how fast time flies by” daily, everybody is talking about it. I do see great improvement in my own perception of time in recent years since I implement several simple protocols in my life. Here I want to share these little tricks. First of all, what is the subjective …
10 tips for learning infographic
A couple of weeks ago we got this infographic we would like to share: 10 tips for effective learning. What we like in this infographic is emphasis not on specific learning tips, but on how to organize your environment for effective learning. You are welcome to discuss.
Quick tips for object oriented programming
Most of our students who are programmers use Java. This lecture is for them, and not only for them. Many students ask how to use our methods for programming. Actually we took many of the programming methodology and used it in wider context – so using it in original context will be easy. Let us …
Continue reading “Quick tips for object oriented programming”
The Centipede’s dilemma
Some of our students think too much about how they do things. This reminds me an old story: A spider met a centipede while hurrying down the street, “How do you move at such a speed, with all so many feet?” “I do not have to contemplate to keep them all in line, But if …
How to get more from the course
Recently I asked my students how to get more from our Udemy course. One answer was especially good: Trenor Gould In no particular order: Read the discussion of the community, because it might answer some questions that you did not think to ask. Comment too! Focus on reading rather than achieving high scores on games. …
Effective note taking
We are asked about note taking quite often. Instead of teaching note taking skills, or teaching you to be a better student, I think it is best to show how superlearning skill set can improve your note taking. The basic premises: try to take notes in a form that your brain can easily retain. In …