Why does it happen that we do not understand? As a scientist, I can come up with many explanations. The most common reason: we missed some important aspect and cannot quite catch up. It’s easy to think that some subjects require a certain level of intelligence to tackle. That’s not true. Some subjects are harder …
Eidetic learning through observation
Many scientific discoveries have been found through luck and attention to details. Probably 80% of debugging any programmist performs involves attention to details. Good user interface and graphical design require immense attention to details. Ability to observe minor changes and make good and quick decision is important in all human endeavors I can think of, …
Reading coaching
Sometimes our training just does not work. I already recognise such cases and simply ask: for how many hours did you read last week? If the answer is below 2 hours, there is very little chance that the person will learn speedreading. There is a huge value in simply stop thinking and start practicing. Practice …
Learning and unlearning career choice
As technological and scientific progress quickens, we constantly need to learn and unlearn new material. What should we learn? How should we unlearn? What remains unchanged? “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn” – Alvin Toffler. When we need …
Secret genius tricks
This post poses a question: what kind of mental models are associated with genius? Develop a “hacker” mindset: possess some intellectual curiosity. Solve problems for fun. Fun is actually a very important recurring motive. If you do not enjoy what you do you cannot focus, get into “flow” and achieve an outstanding result. Eliminate, automate …
Mental models
Mental models are very useful for problem solving. Put simply, mental models are the set of tools that you use to think. Each mental model offers a different framework that you can use to look at life (or at an individual problem). Consider a toolbox: for every task there is a tool best suited for …
Working memory as a link between brain processes
A large part of our progress has to do with improving our working memory processing. This post explains in detail what the working memory is. Below I will try to interpret it in simple terms related to our activities. Our memory uses several very fast and small buffers to work with various types of information: …
Continue reading “Working memory as a link between brain processes”
Superlearner story: man vs computer.
Why should we train at all? It is well-known in professional circles that a good computer can already beat a great chess master. A computer can easily beat a polymath in Jeopardy game. he computers are so good in fooling humans, that for the last 10 years only a professional and experienced interrogator will know …
Generate obsessive reading habit
There is little point in reading fast unless you read a lot. Getting sucked into reading is simple and has to do with pleasure: Read the books that you enjoy reading. Enjoy the thought of reading the next book. Generate a list of stuff you would LOVE to read. Dive into reading for fun. Take …
Personal style and typology
Choosing your own personal style is hard, especially if you cannot afford 1:1 session with Anna. To help somewhat with this challenge one can use psychological typology as a guiding principle. For years the psychological typology has been measured for purposes of career selection using MBTI or big five OCEAN indicators. There is some correlation …