Never break words into letters unless you study Klingon


It is useful to leverage the available information in large chunks. The larger the chunks, the faster and more effective the process. The smallest chunks to remember are letters. The larger chunks may include the keywords that allow access to the entire resource. The most unfriendly language Klingon is a constructed language, specifically intended to …

Atomic visualizations using the face of the clock


I define atomic visualization as compound visualizations of multiple keywords that cannot be easily disassembled. Due to strong connectivity between the keywords, these visualizations are faster to make and easier to retain. In this article I provide a clock-related way of generating such visualizations. It may work for up to 12 objects with complex relations. …

Sections and chapters of personal empowerment and mentoring masterclasses

This is a bundle for parents and mentors – but it also has very specific tips for learning skills and productivity training per specific professions. One of the things that are deeply special in  1:1 with Anna is personal guidance, different for every student. Unfortunately, 1:1 sessions are very expensive. Moreover, we want to do …

Logical markers: feedbacks and graphs


While memory champions prefer mental palaces for their simplicity and capacity, accelerated leaning gurus favor mindmaps. Mindmaps are extremely versatile and can be easily modified as new information becomes available. However, mindmaps have several essential design flaws compared to yet more flexible schemes used by engineers and AI creators. We can easily add the missing …