One on one with Anna over Skype is the best and most exclusive product we offer. In my mind, all of you are heroes simply because it requires a lot of courage and dedication to change yourself in a profound way. Yet even heroes need help, and here we come to your aid. I will …
How to Implement Design Thinking in the Classroom
You have probably noticed, that around 50% of our new content is dedicated to guest articles. Brenda Savoie is a private English tutor and desperate dreamer. Writing her first romantic novel. Check her blog Best Writing Clues. Find her on Twitter and Facebook. This particular subject was chosen for several reasons. First, it is very …
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Tips on exercising your brain
We address memory training quite seriously and have many different exercises on our site. In this post, I want to share some training tips inspired by this, this, this and this articles. Specific and generic training If you research a subject or write a code, you do many different and seemingly unconnected tasks. It is …
Do coaching classes help students with their academic studies?
This is a guest article by Charles Griver. He describes himself as “a professional writer who deals with varieties of areas including academic writing, original content writing, blog article writing and so on. Charles has started his career as a writer after completing his Masters in English Language and Literature from UC Berkeley.” The author …
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Fixing our education
The education system is arguably broken, so it must be easy to improve the situation for some people. How can we do that? There are many ways to address the issue. In fact we have a dedicated course about it. Here are some small ideas that did not quite make it into the course materials. …
Phonological awareness
This post was built in a very unusual way. Anna shared with me some of here thoughts and asked me to write a post to clarify the issues. I performed a short research starting with wikipedia and found more professional publications here,here, here, here and here. Sounds and letters Simply put, phonological awareness is the …
Text comprehension with children
Both children and grown-ups make similar mistakes in text comprehension. As a grown-up it is easier to help children since the texts they read appear simple and meaningful for most of us. Here are some common questions you can ask the child for improving reading comprehension with a child. Search for repeating words within the …
Mnemonics for children
When working with children we prefer audio mnemonics to visualization. Audio mnemonics tend to be slower, but easier to use and more stable for long-term memorization. Ten years old is the perfect age to memorize texts. A healthy and creative 10 years old will always find something nasty and funny in the text, will play …
One education cannot fit all
I think all of us know that the education system is not perfect. Some of us secretely hope that a revolution will happen in the way people learn. And maybe some of the readers are actually making the first steps towards this revolution. For today I have chosen several really cool articles, so do read …
Back to school program
With the start of the new school year, we would love to help you prepare yourself or your child for a year of fruitful learning and academic success. Here are some of our resources you may want to use: Safeguard yourself from the most common speedreading mistakes, as I described in this article Try this …