The students among us are always looking for a more effective way to study. There are many articles (compare with this) specifically addressing this need. You may also want to read these study tips. Here I want to review the basics from keytostudy perspective. Mindset matters. This is a big issue that can be broken …
Remembering formulas
VS on Facebook: Is it a good idea to use mind maps for formulas (like in Physics, Math etc) Lev Goldentouch: Using mindmap for formulas is pretty much what a computer does. As human, I would also dual code small funny animations of each specific factor in the formula and why/how it changes the end …
Jade, superlearner story
Jade was born with a rare gift: photographic memory. While we see people with photographic memory in TV shows, meeting one with real life is extremely rare. Eidetic memory occurs in a small number of children and generally is not found in adults. In fact, there is no clear test for eidetic memory in adults, …
Why you should take 1:1 with Anna
We invest significant efforts to make all the resources you need to learn readily available. However, there is only so much a reasonable person can learn all alone or even in a workbook. 1:1 skype lessons with Anna [notice, it is paid and not cheap] is the most effective way to learn. Usually, I say that …
Career boosting mindset
Following simple rules may boost your career and improve your chances for success. While gaining superlearning experience, we follow the same rules. See for yourself: Courage over fear. Choosing the way of superlearning requires some courage. While there are dedicated teachers and many students have reached their goals, there are no guarantees that you will …
Simplifying texts
Occasionally texts or paragraphs are just too dense or too complex to be understood as written, and then we need to analyse them for our convenience. This is an example of metrics for text complexity. Rewording Some texts contain long and complex words, including words we do not fully understand. In this scenario, we can …
Doodling at school and at work will boost your productivity
Once in a while we write about doodling (or freestyle annotation) and its benefits. Students drawing in their papers where mistreated by generations of teachers. They were asked to focus, to stop fooling around and to listen to the teachers. However, the human spirit is stronger than education fashions, and student persistently doodled in school …
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Keytostudy as a lifestyle choice
What is KeyToStudy for me? Simply put, KeyToStudy is a daring new lifestyle that pushes the boundaries of human intellect, and it does so until the practitioner feels evolved – in the true sense of the word. That is a bold statement to make, we know, but it is backed by results. Results which are …
Active reading: SQ3R system and preread-read-analyze cycle.
We teach our students to preread, read and reread without stating where we learnt it ourselves. To fix this injustice I introduce so called SQ3R system that is commonly used in US schools. Survey. We also call this prereading. Usually we skim or scan the content before we read it to prepare our mind for …
Continue reading “Active reading: SQ3R system and preread-read-analyze cycle.”
Is being smart worth it?
This is the list of some of the smartest people in the world. Some of them are extremely successful, others provoke more pity than awe. Probably as long as your IQ is below 160, the smarter you are the more successful you will be. IQ is influenced by many factors, not all of them in …