Usually, we talk about smart goals and smarter goals. Smart goals are fine. They are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. But do they motivate? Are you inspired by your goal? If you are not sure, you should start setting smarter goals. More reading here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Why SMART goals are …
A letter from a real 1:1 student after the first session with Anna
Recently, we published testimonies from some students who completed the 1:1 course. Today, I am sharing an actual letter from a real student written between the first and second sessions with Anna. I received his permission to use the full letter and the entire content of the message. From: Jonathan Stogsdill Hey Dr. Lev, 1. …
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Time Management for Students: Balancing School, Work, and Play
Time management is a crucial skill for students, especially those juggling multiple responsibilities like school, work, and extracurricular activities. Effective time management can help reduce stress, improve academic performance, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. This article explores various time management strategies specifically tailored for students. Effective time management is all about achieving the right …
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5 Note-Taking Methods For College Students That Truly Work
Note-taking is an indispensable skill for college students, essential for remembering information, organizing thoughts, and studying for exams. Unfortunately, finding the appropriate note-taking techniques may be daunting; this article outlines five proven note-taking methods that can help maximize students’ learning potential and support academic endeavors, and that helped me write my paper. 1. Cornell …
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The ideal home for better learning
How can we design and decorate our homes to improve the learning experiences? Is it possible? Is it expensive? This is a personal opinion based on my experimentation. This article talks about how the way we live can change our memory. It’s an important topic, and there’s a special course just for it. Here is …
Books you MUST read fallacy
There are long lists of books you MUST read. What are the common qualities of these books, and how are these books beneficial? How reading books can be both an advantage and a disadvantage? How do books compare with the alternatives? This article starts ordinary and then takes an unexpected twist. If your are interested …
Ten of the most common speed reading mistakes
Speed reading is a technique that aims to increase reading speed without sacrificing comprehension. By utilizing specific strategies, readers can process and comprehend information at a much faster rate. Techniques such as skimming, scanning, and chunking text help readers identify key points and main ideas swiftly. Eliminating subvocalization, the habit of silently pronouncing words, …
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Which skills are required for accelerated learning?
We want to learn better and we want others to learn better, but what does it actually mean? Will reading a few books make us smarter? Are grades the only measure of our progress? Is there a limit to how fast we can learn? Nowadays psychological and educational science tends to be self-contradictory, yet some …
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Five things to do a week before school
There are many options for a month before school. I even have a training plan built to maximize the options provided by one month. However, most of us do not have enough discipline and would delay everything to the last week. What can be achieved in one week to prepare for learning? Preview the materials …
Training eidetic memory, aka short term visual memory
Some say that eidetic memory does not really exist, while others claim to have eidetic memory. Possibly they address different aspects of short-term visual memory. What I can do is explain how each of us can enjoy a small amount of eidetic memory which is available to each and every one of us. There are …
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