This is a short list of simple exercises that you can practice any time and anywhere. Anna gives this list only to her most prudent students. For some limited time it will be open here for everyone to try. Afterwards it will be kept under password protection… Each exercise should take around 10 min, and …
Focus and multitasking
Only about 2% of people are good multitaskers. See this article for infographics. Using the multitasking skills, our working memory gets overloaded trying to shift focus. While it is possible to improve the context switch of the working memory [there are such excersises in our resources], we still drop at least 10 points of IQ …
Mindfulness and superlearning wisdom
While superlearning ultimately is a way to gather knowledge, it is not the way to generate wisdom. In one of the future posts we will describe information vs knowledge vs wisdom, but for now we just say that wisdom is a way of using knowledge properly. In fact it is very much alike the difference …
Perfectionists’ dilemma
Being a perfectionist is really hard. Nothing short of perfect is just good enough, so everything requires immense efforts. This could work successfully for a kid, but a grown-up needs to balance activities. Having a responsible job we need to balance three simple things: delivery time, quality of work, effort invested. The same three criteria …
Changing your everyday life
Superlearning is a life-changing skill. Once you manage to learn skills FASTER, the next logical step is applying the same abilities in your everyday life. Therefore immediately after managing superlearning our students find themselves doing all sorts of fun: Speeding up. There are things that can be easily sped up: you can fast-forward video or …
“Flow” or “Zone” – and how to get there
To enjoy work and learning, to enjoy life itself, I rely heavily on something called “flow”. The feeling is very pleasant, invigorating and positive. Here is the definition from wikipedia: Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in …
How to prioritize content?
I read a text at high speed, much higher than the speed that allows 100% retention, and this means that some of the content I read I do not retain. Even more when I am stressed or in a hurry. How do I choose what I want to remember and what I want to skip? …
Productivity or how to make more time
Many of my students complaint that they do not have time to read. Being more effective than most people I thought I escaped this destiny, but this month I find myself out of time all the time… I read this blog and decided to write down what in the list (or its exact opposite) works …
Generating interest with long boring texts
How do we read content that is genuinely boring? Why, we generate interest in any way we can. Interest is a key component for retention, it focuses the mind on the content, on the markers, on links and so on. One of the surprising fact we found, was that fast readers had higher retention than slow …
Continue reading “Generating interest with long boring texts”
How do I train each day?
Many of our students ask: how much should I train every day and what exercises should I do? The Udemy course comes with a big section of games, some of them also can be viewed at this blog’s resources. You can spend as much or as little time playing various games as you want – this …