Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do. Truly good things are quite often very simple, maybe even too simple for most of us. The art of simplification is hard for me, so I work harder to improve my skills. For more information please check this infographic and also here, …
Is it reasonable to work and study?
It is well-known that most of the students work during their school years to earn badly needed money and life experience. There are some studies that show the value of parental help on later career success. However, not all parents have 15 000 dollars annually to pay for the expenses of their children. Students that …
Focus on your work and get into flow
Normal people hate working. We are paid to do something that benefits other people rather than doing something we enjoy. One of the main incentives for people in their thirties and forties to work is simply escaping the home. Kids, cleaning and other daily activities can be even less fun than working. Yet, people who …
Avoiding the wrong goals
Setting goals and referencing the goals we set is the most important part of any strategy. If we set wrong goals or do not address our goals when we make critical decisions, there is no way to know what direction our project will take. In this article, I want to discuss some common mistakes people make …
Ditch control to find resilience and motivation
Resilience and motivation are closely connected. When we lose resilience, we get stressed and negative, with lower energy and motivation. Being highly motivated, we recruit people around us to help us, we make sure our body is up for the challenge, we feel pleasure and purpose in what we do. I suggest reading further here, here, …
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Productive procrastination
Sometimes we procrastinate. This can be a bad thing and a good thing. In this article, I argue in favor of smart procrastination. For more reading check out here, here, here, and here. Having a shady plan Sometimes our plans do not go well with who we are and what we desire. Not all plans …
Six Things You Need To Do After Attending Professional Development Event
Some of us have plenty of conferences and mingling event. It is not easy to leverage these events beyond some fun with colleagues. We could establish new connections with people in the industry, check out what other people and companies are working on, and maybe find some talents for our own company. The work does …
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So many things so little time
This particular post started from the title. “So many things so little time” is becoming a mantra of our generation. It is like a theme humming in my brain. I decided that if it haunts me, it must be also haunting you. In this post, I will not try to research or educate but simply …
Why Projects Fail & The Role of Project Managers
A project has so many moving parts that it can be easy for things to go wrong. The role of a project manager in any project is to ensure every bit of a project is running as planned but this is far from an easy job. This infographic from Trainwest takes you through why projects …
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The escape plan
Productivity burnout is one of my favorite subjects, maybe because I had several close encounters with the phenomenon. I suffered work-related burnout periods more than once, and so did most of my students and friends. Each time I address the subject, I choose a slightly different perspective. Hope there will be some new ideas in …