When we discuss superlearning training we emphasize two elements: creativity and determination. Both are necessary and supplement each other quite nicely. Our students are expected to do some computer training ~30 min per day and some reading for at least 60 min a day. After finishing the course the computer training is no longer required, …
Study group collaboration secrets
Study groups are a great way to learn new things and train the skills with other people. Study groups are also notoriously unproductive, unless they function properly. This article outlines some rules for successful collaboration, which we would like to explore. Respect diversity. A typical study group will be very diversified. There will be charismatic …
Laws of good multitasking
How do we have more than 24 hours a day? We multitask, of cause. Only 2% of populace are supertaskers and can multitask well. Being a superlearner, is definitely a good stepping stone into becoming a supertasker. There are not many guides regarding supertasker training. Probably this article will be useful for you. While I …
Is there such as thing as too many ideas?
There is such a thing as having too many ideas. In the world of business and entrepreneurship there is an analysis procedure just for this sort of things. You could analyze risks and benefits, business environment, your ability to execute each idea and choose to focus on the best overall prospect. When you treat yourself …
Continue reading “Is there such as thing as too many ideas?”
The 30 days training schedule
Some of our students only have 30 days to prepare. What can be achieved in 30 days and how can it be trained? Week 1: Learning the basics For the best results try to make 4 sessions per day, ~30 min each. First 8 sessions do only option 1, afterwards alternate option 1 and option …
New year’s resolution
New year celebration is a great turning point for habit changing. Unfortunately, new years resolutions get ignored more often than not. This article describes several reasons why new years resolution fail and how to make them work. Guilt is a bad motivator. Quite often resolutions deal with what you think you should do, not with …
Digital detox
When our performance drops and the more we work the stronger it drops, this is a sign of burnout. There are different kinds of burnout. One of the ways we get burned out is overstimulation. We are connected to many people on many devices, each contact is yet another stimuli. Our brain has adapted to …
Learning backwards
The idea comes from Scott Young newsletter. As programmers, we often think about how the end result will look and interact before we write code. We build up tests and “stubs” – empty programs that behave just like the final program would. By doing this we break a complex task into many simple tasks. Now …
Creative consistency and persistance
Creative consistancy for success creative consistancy http://lifehacker.com/the-under-appreciated-benefits-of-creative-consistency-1678061573 http://www.military.com/special-operations/seal-training-mental-preparation.html Take it into new directions – be creativ http://www.businessinsider.com/50-universal-truths-for-success-2013-10 When we are talking about creativity, we usually think about “WOW” moments, new perspectives, brainstorming and excitement. However, this is probably about 10% of being creative. The other 90% is persistence, hard and gray work of finding one …
Goal setting methodology
Occasionally my students share information that is valuable for everyone studying keytostudy methodology. Below is such a discussion from our Udemy discussion thread, taken as-is and without editing. Orlando Watson This is just to help people to define their goal in a S.M.A.R.T Way: 1. What is your goal? 2. What would you like …