Big data of all sorts is a good skill to have. There are many related skills: relational databases, nosql databases, data mining, natural language processing… Healthy control of each of this skills means good salary and many job openings. Personally I worked with several methodologies rather briefly, and while I have some skills and practice …
Storytelling and superlearning
I promised myself to write a post about creating marker-ready stories. Instead I am writing an article on storytelling. Storytelling is a great skill I want to master one day. The skill is important from various perspectives as following: All stories teach compassion and self-compassion. Bad things happen all the time. Each of us has …
So far I have referenced Tony Buzan books for mindmapping. I am realizing that I need to give my students a short and useful explanation of how to use mindmapping and why. This post is intended to be useful, so I will not go into historical, classical and programmable aspects of mindmapping, but focus on …
Superlearning for languages and definitions: etymology method
Very often I ask students to understand the meaning of what they are trying to learn and use very accurate markers. I want to demonstrate it on etymology. Take for example this real conversation: EY: I can create images to the words in the dictionary (some easier than others), but my main problem is that …
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Generating rhythm when speedreading
When teaching speedreading we often ask our students to use rhythm. In this post we describe the issue of rhythm in depth. A usual effect of lack of rhythm was summarized by on of our students “First 5 min are easy then getting harder, I slow down and I have to rest”. Usually this means …
Superlearning for programmers and engineers: architecture
The top programming skill is software architecture. For software architecture we often use UML and flowcharts. These visualization are great for visual markers and often do not even need further adaptations. It is no secret that most software is built as hierarchies. Model-view-controller is probably the most common architecture paradigm. Classes pass the data …
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Two sorts of markers
While there are many ways to create markers and a large body of text about it in this blog, I wanted to focus on two major types of markers I expect each of you to use. Logical markers This is the default sort of markers you should use. In fact, they are so trivial that …
Sports psychology for superlearner
Quite often we compare superlearning to athletic performance. This site explains the relevant sports psychology in the infographic we publish as-is.
My personal hyperlinking format
I have been asked repeatedly how I add new content to my existing knowledge, so I will disclose the exact imagery I use for hyperlinking. I use several forms of hyperlinking, and select the form most suitable to the current document. For structured information that follows accurate logical order I use some sort of combination …
High level visualization: Gaming and mental templates
I am using my own version of loci method I call “high-level visualization”, which is more of a game than a house. I have wrote several articles about this before. Here I address this method from a different angle. The loci method enables accurate memorization of huge amount of information. Most of memory champions use …
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