
So far I have referenced Tony Buzan books for mindmapping. I am realizing that I need to give my students a short and useful explanation of how to use mindmapping and why. This post is intended to be useful, so I will not go into historical, classical and programmable aspects of mindmapping, but focus on …

Superlearning for programmers and engineers: architecture

The top programming skill is software architecture. For software architecture we often use UML and flowcharts. These visualization are great for visual markers and often do not even need further adaptations. It is no secret that most software is built as hierarchies. Model-view-controller is probably   the most common architecture paradigm. Classes pass the data …

High level visualization: Gaming and mental templates

I am using my own version of loci method I call “high-level visualization”, which is more of a game than a house. I have wrote several articles about this before. Here I address this method from a different angle. The loci method enables accurate memorization of huge amount of information. Most of memory champions use …