When we are looking for new information, we read as fast as we can to understand the text and retain the knowledge within. This is the reason why people take speedreading classes. Occasionally, I need to deal with the opposite challenge: reading the text for the maximal emotional impact. For example, when reading fiction or some …
Funny, animals, and scientists
Every year, my April 1st article is dedicated to humor. Humor is very basic to what makes us humans. Babies laugh well before they can walk and talk. Some animals, like rats and apes, are also capable of laughter. Some scientists claim this is a side-effect of the mirror neurons which can be responsible for …
Benefits of writing fiction
Most of my writing is non-fiction. I have a friend who often tells me I really should write a fiction story. SOme of his arguments make sense. You can read more about benefits of writing fiction here, here, here, and here. Improved learning by writing We learn actively. Writing is an activity that forces us …
How to Make Correct Notes in the Classroom
There are many options for taking notes. This guest post by Sandra Larson shares some of her insights on the subjects with my comments. Why do you need to take a note? A skill of taking notes is needed to avoid failure at school or college as it will help you stay alert and focus. The …
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Seven Ways That Make Your Writing Funnier
Indifference and boredom are just the opposite of what we teach. If you can write in a funny way, you can think and visualize in a funny way and remember better. If you can make a provoking argument and get an emotional reaction, it will help you remember. This particular guest post by William Grigsby shows …
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Reading prepares you for writing
The things that we read affect our writing and our writing may have a profound effect on our overall happiness. This post was inspired by this, this, this and this articles. Writing and happiness I do not know a research showing that writers are happy. Writing and many other forms of art serve as a …
Five Simple Habits That Will Transform Your Writing Forever
This blogs welcomes high quality guest posts. Today we publish an article by Christina Battons. Christina Battons is an author and content strategist who helps people and students succeed at writing, self-education, professional development and more by sharing with them my knowledge. Nowadays writing blog posts at various sites, available on Twitter. The reason I …
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Using reading diary
Reading diary is a tool we typically plan to use but end up not using. I confess I never really used a reading diary. I do use a number of alternative approaches. In this article, I will describe first what the reading diary theoretically should be, and then what can be used instead. Basic reading …
Why Blog Writing Is the Best Way for Fast Learning
This post is written by a professional blog writer, Tom Jager. Tom wrote many articles, some of them published with Huffington Post. When Tom suggested his ideas for the article, I asked him to tell about how learned from writing. I thought he would write something like this great article about how the photography is …
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Why Blog Writing Is the Best Way for Fast Learning
I have been approached by a professional writer Tom Jager who occasionally writes for Huffington Post. We discussed several interesting ideas for an article. In the process, I understood that he learned A LOT from being a writer. Below is his story written by him. Also you may want to read this story of how …
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