All the knowledge in the world will not help you if you sabotage your own success.This article suggest a simple set of questions to check your ability to cope with challenges.
When something unfortunate happens to me, it reminds me of all the other things wrong in my life, which adds to my unhappiness.
Destructive thinking: you will damage your own chances of success. You allow some negative event to influence you in a way that prevents further adequate coping with challenges. A possible way to deal with this is accepting that some things simply happen and move on. This is very simple if you do not have destructive thinking, but very hard if you do.
I have found that talking about future successes can keep them from happening.
This is a personal superstition, which is not necessarily the same as common superstitions (like black cats bring bad luck). It is usually easy to avoid such pitfalls, but if you are not careful your dark prophecies may be self-fulfilling. If you find enough counter-examples from your life the superstitions will no longer have a hold on you.
If I were to succeed this once I would feel very good and always succeed in the future.
Naïve optimism, the tendency to overgeneralize in a positive way from one good event to all related events in general. While we tend to love positive thinking, it is important to understand the risks when you take them. Even the most successful people fail occasionally, and if you cannot accept possibility failure you may be devastated when you eventually fail.
When I am faced with a difficult task, I think encouraging thoughts that help me to do my best.
Behavioral coping, or what we also call “problem-focused.” This item taps your ability to get yourself through the tough times by concentrating on what needs to be done, building your feelings of self-confidence to give you a boost. This mindset may jump you too fast to action and you may take the first available approach, rather than searching for additional information.
I believe if I think bad thoughts about someone that person will suffer.
Esoteric thinking, or the belief that you can magically influence outcomes. Esoteric may prevent you from seeing things clearly and coping with situations properly, it may also cause you to invest in dubious schemes and take unjustified risks.
I think there are many wrong ways, but only one right way, to do almost anything.
Categorical thinking, in which you view everything in black and white terms. Typically, moderate positions work better than the extreme ones. If this quality defines you, you may have trouble adapting to compromises and acting as responsible adult.
I think about how I will deal with threatening events ahead of time, but I don’t worry needlessly.
Emotional coping, or the ability to calm yourself down by helping yourself to feel better. If you’re strong in this area, you’ve figured out ways to avoid worrying and instead to focus on the positive. By seeing situations as challenging rather than fear-provoking, you’ll be able to conquer them more effectively.
When I am faced with a difficult task, I think encouraging thoughts that help me to do my best.
Behavioral coping, or what we also call “problem-focused.” This item taps your ability to get yourself through the tough times by concentrating on what needs to be done, building your feelings of self-confidence to give you a boost. This mindset may jump you too fast to action and you may take the first available approach, rather than searching for additional information.
People with categorical thinking and esoteric thinking tend to adapt better in high uncertainty situations and project calmness when the situation is murky, but may fail in moderate situations and generate unnecessary crisis. People with higher behavioral and emotional coping skills can better handle unavoidable failures and generate success. If you are high on self-destructions, superstitions or naive optimism, you may consider changing your approach or approach personal coach/therapist..
Success and failure, crisis and boredom follow each other. A person who adapts quickly to any situation will benefit in any environment. These coping skills may be learned.

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