How much should you read every day? Our students love to read. Our students want to read. Our students need to read. Actually I am not so sure this is true. How many books/articles/blog did you read last year? Was it less than 1000 pages? If so you will eventually loose your reading skills… Was it 5000 pages? If so you may want to read 20000 pages next year. We can help you achieve this.
What do our students read?
1. News. Newspapers, tech blogs, entertainment blogs, lifehacking blogs… Most young people read blogs. If you stop reading news, you can loose your edge, not get the best interesting jobs, make you boring in conversations and ultimately miss out. Fear of missing out is a powerful motivator, use it to read more, faster, better, generate interest (key to retention…). Do read news at lest 20 min per day if you can. This is time well spent. The faster you read, the more you can read , the more things become interesting for you. It is great!
2. Scientific and technical material: books, articles,technical reports , financial reports… Usually we read this because we must. Very few people read scientific material because they want, and their name is usually adorned with title PhD, When reading technical material, it is really important to generate interest, deep instinctive understanding of what you are reading and usually capability to try out some of this in your own “lab”. Every time I told one of my friends an article I read he asked “how can we use it” and did not let me go until there was a good answer. Choose your own questions, as long as you have deep positive involvement with the subject – true genuine excitement with the papers you read. It may take some time, but do not give up!
3. Biography, history, fine literature. Basically this should be fun reading, but it is VERY detailed. At every point you need to decide what details to skip and what to retain. Try creating cool associative links, visualize whole landscape, or the content will eventually bore you to submission,
4. Reading for fun. Do you really want to speedread for fun? Maybe you want to slow down? Maybe you actually WANT to sub-vocalize and hear the music of the words? After you spent months on speedreading, slowreading may be a new skill to master. But maybe it is worth it…
Do try to read all kinds of material to keep your skills sharp, to train new skills and just to have fun reading.

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