Goal setting methodology

Occasionally my students share information that is valuable for everyone studying keytostudy methodology. Below is such a discussion from our Udemy discussion thread, taken as-is and without editing.
This is just to help people to define their goal in a S.M.A.R.T Way:
1. What is your goal?
2. What would you like to do?
3. When do you want to achieve your goal?
4. Where do you want to achieve your goal?
5. Who do you want to achieve your goal?
6. How do you know you’ve reached your goal?
7. What do you think, when you’ve reached your goal?
8. What do you feel, when you’ve reached your goal?
9. What do you do, when you’ve reached your goal?
10. When you reach your goal, what difficulties do you have?
11. What prevents you from achieving your goal?
  • This is correct when you have accurate understanding of the environment. In high uncertainty situations it is better to have vision and role models than an accurately set goal. See e.g. http://www.keytostudy.com/developing-personal-style/

  • This technique is used in NLP to determine your goals. To create a better overview of your goal you’ll need to know the context. This isn’t only in your vision, but also what you think and feel at that moment in this way you know for sure you can reach your goal.

    Know thyself ~ Socrates

  • I am well aware of this method and related methods . I am happy it works for you. For other readers you could have disambigued S.M.A.R.T.:http://dereklauber.com/beyond-new-years-resolutions-smart-goals-part-iv-visioning-and-goals/. Please read http://www.lifeofasteward.com/beyond-smart/ to understand my point though…

  • Thank you very much Dr. Lev Gold and I totally agree with you.
    I use a method in which I combine the S.M.A.R.T. with putting into action by doing the following:

    Master Planning



    Plans of Action: Put it in writing!

    Organised planes of action are critical without a plan there will be failure.

    Imagine that you already have accomplished your goal. |video01|video02|

    Write out everything you’ve seen need to do accomplish to reach your goal.

    Organised them into a plan so that you can do them on a day-to-day bases.

    What has priority make a priority list?

    1.Analysis: Make a list


    A list gives you a track to run on everyday.

    With a list you can analyse were you are.

    Every time you check off the list it gives you a feeling of accomplishment

    1. Make a list for the week on Saturday and Sunday.
    2. Make a list for everyday each evening before.

    The subconscious is going to work on your list.

    2. Set Priorities: What is relevant and irrelevant?


    The 80/20 rule it’s says:80 percent of the things you do, are in the 20 percent that are most important.
    So look into a list and look for 2 things that are more important then the rest together.

    2.1 Set Priorities: what is the most valuable use of my time?


    For everything you do ask yourself:Is this the most important thing I could be doing?
    Is this my top priority task?
    Give this the highest pay off?
    What would this task have for impact on my future?
    Success depends on what you do for the future.

    3.Concentration: Learn how


    Concentrate on one thing at the time and stay with it until it’s finished.

    I’ve it’s not worth doing. It’s not worth doing right.

    Concentrate single mended on one task at the time.

    1. Goals
    2. Plans
    3. Priorities
    4. Analysis
    5. Concentration

    Make a list of a, b, c, d, e:

    A = what you must do

    B = what you should do

    C = what would be nice to do

    D = delegate

    E = Eliminate the others

    The 6 steps method of goals setting.

    Set choose your goals

    Set priorities, choose your activities, set priorities(A,B,C,D,E), schedule and then implement.

    4. Deadlines and reward: positive logical consequences.

    58 % of everything what we are doing is, because of what we expect to happen as a result

    (logical consequences).


    Set a new task and what would happen if you finish your task.


    Train yourself to have a positive consequence for everything you do.


    When you set the goal, set the deadline, when it needs to be accomplish.
    Parkinson’s law |video1| said: that work expanse to fill the time.


    This is what I learned from Brian Tracy and other resourceful lectures. So what I do is I make my SMART first and after that i’ll do the master planning.

  • Sounds accurate. Strategically placed visualization will make the process simpler and faster. For example, imagine your future self and ask your future self: how do you work, and how did you learn to do that? Imagine your role model and see how he/she handles the same challenges etc. Imagine the best training you can get at each step (college professor, drill instructor, psychologist etc) and the input you would get. Harness the power of perspectives 🙂

  • Thank you very much Dr. Lev and I’m really looking forward to your course and the benefits it will gain. I’m already working on memory palaces and my memory in particular. I’m really enjoying the course so far.


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