Organization skills a very important for effective progress in any learning or work environment. Somehow it is very easy to assume, that if you are reading this blog you probably already mastered the skillset. Fortunately, we have guest authors to challenge our assumptions. This guest post by Lauren Adley provides some simple and useful advices. If you like it and want more advanced information, let us know in the comments and we can write further posts about the subject.
For every individual, the studying process is largely affected by a number of factors. Some of these factors are clear to most people while many remain hidden to a lot of people. Good nutrition, good health, and proper attention seem to be the factors everyone is aware of. But beyond these are; conducive environment, good study time and deep sleep. In fact, regular and proper sleep cycle can go a long way to improve your learning capacity and to enhance your studying process.
How to make the studying process easier
Have you been having some problems creating a befitting workplace and studying effectively? There are some factors you must put in place in order to make your studying both fun and very rewarding. These include; setting your workplace properly and also reviewing your personal approach. Lack of some things in your study can make your studying process very tiring and frustrating, while some other factors can spice up your studying process. Here are the factors you should take care of, in order to make your studying process easier than you have it now.
Make your workplace clean
A clean environment will make you feel comfortable and allow you to give attention to your study. Take time out to remove dirt and every form of litter. Keep the area very fresh. You may apply air freshener if you wish to leave the area full of amazing fragrance. All these will keep your mind well relaxed while studying.
Organize your study materials
How many times have you ever had to check through the whole book pile all because you were searching for a little note on which you wrote something very important? I bet you won’t find such a search exciting if half of the time you can spend studying is the time it takes you to find the little note. When books are placed into categories and well-organized, it will save you unnecessary trouble and stress.
Find a good basis on which you can organize all the books you have on your shelf, instead of putting books of different categories together. You can arrange your books based on the subject. You may even decide to arrange books using the author’s name. Make it a habit to arrange your study materials after using them.
Make use of labels on your shelf
Your book collection may not be as sophisticated as that of EssayGeeks, but you will find the use of labels very helpful, especially when your shelf contains so many sections of books. No matter how familiar you are with your shelf, labels will serve as good pointers whenever you are searching for any book. The labels will also be useful if someone else is searching through your shelf. Get some small labels and stick them to each section of your shelf. Make the titles on your labels very simple and short.
Take away all distractions while studying
Distraction is something that can slow down the rate at which you study or completely make you quit studying for the day. Maybe you have once found yourself surfing the internet just when you barely began studying. In-between your studying at times, you may wish to spend only five minutes to check your Facebook for any important message. But if you are not careful, the five minutes will turn into hours.
You need to be disciplined and avoid distractions while studying. All objects that can distract you should be completely out of reach. Switch off your mobile phone and keep it away from your workplace. All objects around you should be those that are required for studying at that time. If you get distracted by someone, consider asking for some hours of privacy.
Take down short notes
Take short and relevant notes as you read. The notes you take are important because they help you to remember the things you study better and they clearly point out the extremely essential parts of what you are studying. The notes can also serve as a good summary that you can always refer to anytime.
To ensure you take down notes in the proper way, have a pen and a small note very close to you while you study. Write down every part that appears as facts, figures, clues, processes and other very short and relevant parts of what you are studying. Also, take down whatever idea that comes to your mind as you study and work more on such ideas before you end the study session.
Set goals for yourself
Your mind is like a computer. You need to clearly register what you want it to achieve if you want it to stay very focused and perform properly. You will find it very rewarding when you set timed goals for yourself. Before you begin studying, write down the things you wish to study and how far you wish to go in each study session. Time your goal and be determined to achieve it. This will help you to be more committed and keep your mind ready to bring out the best out of your study time.
Have inspirational reminders around
You may be tempted to deviate from your goals or reduce the standard you have initially set for yourself. Inspirational reminders will keep reminding you that you can’t afford to reduce effort. Inspirational reminders will help you to work in line with your purpose of studying. maybe you are studying for an exam or interview.
We all need a strong drive to keep us going through whatever we do with the same level of commitment with which we started. Whether you are a writer for or you’re studying for an exam or interview, you should consider pasting some inspirational reminders around your workplace to keep the commitment and determination fresh in you.
Study actively and not passively
Don’t be passive in your study. Review each of the things you study and critically analyze them to see which ones you have come across at one time or the other. Keep your mind open to things you can physically demonstrate. Ideas shouldn’t just be in your books and brain only. Take out time to demonstrate them and see how well the theoretical knowledge matches with the practical demonstration.
Each time you study, don’t just sit and take everything you study without thinking through them. You can decide to fully accept ideas only when you have tested them and find them to be true. Make judgments and bring out a conclusion. Think about how to improve on what you read and add to knowledge. This way, things will stick better to your brain, because they won’t just be abstract concepts but real concepts that you can always remember.
Take two or three unrelated subjects per day
Naturally, the human brain will get tired if it does the same thing for an extended period of time. Why not try studying another subject after you spend long hours studying a particular subject? Your interest in what you are studying will begin to reduce if you make your study all day to be on a single subject. You will only end up getting stressed out and probably forget some of the things you have just studied.
Arrange your study in a way that will give you the opportunity to study things not too related. You may begin with a subject of study that deals mainly with memory and retention and ends the study with something that deals mainly with human behavior and relationship. Find a way to arrange the subjects and you will enjoy your study more and find the studying process easier.
Take breaks
The moment you start to lose concentration and you start to feel extremely stressed out, then consider going on a break. Going on about 10 minutes break after about 2 hours of study will help you to focus better when you resume studying after the break. It will protect you from undue stress and keep your brain fresh.
There are many things you can do during the short break. You can decide to take a walk, listen to music, get yourself something light to eat, have a drink, lie down or meditate. Just ensure what you engage yourself in, during the break is not something demanding. Rather it should be something relaxing and refreshing.
Discover your best study time and utilize it
Not everyone can study during the daytime and definitely, not everyone can study at night. Try to discover the right time during which you seem to understand things you study best and utilize that time. If your best study time is daytime, then set aside a regular time of the day for studying. If you realize you enjoy your study better at night, then fix a regular time for it at night.
Whatever time seems best for you is alright, but ensure you fix a regular time and make necessary provisions that suite your reading time. If yours is at night, then ensure you make adequate provision for light. If yours is during the day, ensure you do all your task before that time to ensure you are completely free from tasks that may hinder your studying process.
You only need to study smart and not necessarily too hard, if you want to have an effective studying process. Discover yourself and the study method that works best for you. Approach your study properly by managing your environment, your time and your resources.
Lauren Adley is a writer and editor at CareersBooster. She is dedicated to her family, work and friends. Lauren is keen on reading, playing the guitar and traveling. She is interested in educational, marketing and blogging issues. Feel free to connect with her on Twitter and Google+.