This is supposed to be a short post. Quite often I am asked regarding science behind keytostudy methodology. We (Anna and myself) have conducted statistical research with thousands of students, but we could never afford a “control” group receiving a “placebo” method. We did not have sufficient access to fMRI to make enough images of brains before and after learning keytostudy methodology. Therefore instead of focusing on success statistics I focus on other methods which inspired us.
Visualization | Dual coding,Yoga visualization exercises |
Reading stages | Metacognition, SQ3R methodology, skimming and scanning |
Perspectives | 5WH, Attribute listing |
Colours | thinking hats, synaesthesia |
Visual angle, saccades, subvocalization suppression | Shultz tables, Meta-guiding, “The Speed Reading Book” by Tony Buzan |
Mind maps | General semantics popularized by Tony Buzan, Tree data structure |
Memorization | Chunking, Memory palace, PAO, Major System |
Analysis | Information_theory, Socratic method, Content analysis, Critical thinking, Ontology |
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