Science behind Keytosudy methodology

This is supposed to be a short post. Quite often I am asked regarding science behind keytostudy methodology. We (Anna and myself) have conducted statistical research with thousands of students, but we could never afford a “control” group receiving a “placebo” method. We did not have sufficient access to fMRI to make enough images of brains before and after learning keytostudy methodology. Therefore instead of focusing on success statistics I focus on other methods which inspired us.

Visualization Dual coding,Yoga visualization exercises
Reading stages Metacognition, SQ3R methodology, skimming and scanning
Perspectives 5WH, Attribute listing
Colours thinking hats, synaesthesia
Visual angle, saccades, subvocalization suppression Shultz tables, Meta-guiding, “The Speed Reading Book” by Tony Buzan
Mind maps General semantics popularized by Tony Buzan, Tree data structure
Memorization Chunking, Memory palace, PAO, Major System
Analysis Information_theory, Socratic method, Content analysis, Critical thinking, Ontology

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