What should a superlearner learn?

Occasionally I want to know the answer to one simple question: what should superlearner learn? Being able to learn pretty much anything are you supposed to be a super-expert on some specific subject or have well-rounded skillset.

Here is what I came up with, and I will love to get your feedback.
I recommend selecting several areas and become autodidact in each:
(1) Engineering/tech – to know how stuff works; read techcrunch and extremetech
(2) Business/psychology – to know what makes people do what they do; read psychologytoday and businessinsider
(3) Meditation/sports – so you do not read all the time; practice at least 30 min every day
(4) Something creative (music/arts/design/writing) – just for fun; write a blog I read about 150 articles per day. Takes me an hour or two (Mondays…).

What do you think? Any comments here are welcome 🙂

6 Replies to “What should a superlearner learn?”

  1. Hi Dr. Lev,

    When you read such a large volume on a regular basis, what tools do you use to retain the knowledge you glean from each reading session? Is something like Anki useful for such a large volume of information?


    1. Complementary to what you learn with Anna and Jonathan, I put focus on analysis vs retention in my personal reading.
      I actually invest a lot of effort into analysis of what I read [reading is the easy part], sometimes during the Pomodoro breaks. After analysis, most of the data is so extensively linked that no additional reviews are required.
      Occasionally I put links to articles, whole articles or ideas I come with on Google Drive for further analysis. I do have a lot of material awaiting further analysis, but I prefer to finish the analysis and remove the links if I can.

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