Finding a balance in one’s life is difficult for everyone, but is is even more so for superlearner. Having the ability to learn virtually anything extremely fast puts an extra strain on the curiosity.
Recently I had a meeting with Jonathan. Since reaching higher superlearning abilities he reads less (not more!). I asked him why. Jonathan enjoys spending more time with interesting people. He visits remote corners of the earth and meets with young entrepreneurs. Whenever he feels he needs to learn something, he spends 20 min of research and is capable to talk regarding almost anything with relatively good level of understanding.
Anna, my wife, just bought a huge bag. It looks like a small closet on wheels. She enjoys reading material printed on paper, she enjoys teaching, and she enjoys having everything she needs with her. So her bag is full with all sorts of papers and books. Somehow she navigates this paper maze with extreme virtuosity finding whatever she needs within 3 seconds (I actually measured the time). Currently Anna is focused on teaching children. Her moto is taking C-level student to A-level student within 3 days. Amazingly she succeeds every time. Our kids are also good students…
When I was younger I was getting bored very often. Nowadays I am seldom bored. The more I know the more gaps I find in my understanding and it pushes me further out of my comfort zone into new areas and experiences. I read probably 2 hours per day at my regular speed (~2000 wpm), and occasionally I need several days non-stop when trying to learn new subjects. At some point I understood that the best thing to do in conversation is position myself as an expert on XYZ who also happens to know ABC. Both XYZ and ABC are increasing in faster than linear fashion, and I hardly have time to rest. When tired I talk with my kids and my friends about stuff, preferably taking funny and unusual perspectives. I am still far from finding my balance, and every new month opens new exciting but very demanding opportunities.
The first student of my advanced course came to me when starting his legal practice. He had very little income and very few clients. Now (6 years later) he is now an accomplished lawyer with hundreds of corporate clients. He might be my only superlearner student who turned his passion for learning into a moneymaking machine. Yet, he spends more hours with his wife and kids than most of his peers.
Having a superior skillset is a blessing. It generates more time and more opportunities of being a better self. Finding the right balance for you is extremely personal and rewarding experience. We encourage all of our superlearners to share their experiences with us and with other students through [email protected].

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