Superlearner training emotions

When training superlearning abilities the students are exposed to wide range of emotions and their mood may go back and forth, like this:

Week 1
+++ Being superlearner is so cool! I could read most books in an hour or two, full harry potter collection in 12 hours!
– But the training looks kind of hard

Week 2
+ I am starting to generate markers
— It takes much more time than I expected

Week 3
++ I can memorize anything I want
– But I cannot read fast while creating markers

Week 4
+++ I read faster than I ever imagined!
— But I cannot remember what I just read

Week 5
++ I finally learned saccades!
– My eyes heart

Week 6
+++ I read 1000 wpm with 80% retention
But when will I practice in reading?

And so on as the path takes you….

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