You can take many great courses. Why buy the keytostudy courses on thinkific? I am finally in a position to provide a good answer.
Personal support
You can write me [email protected] and I will personally support you. Please do not write me with the materials of other people. I am not supporting Jonathan Levi’s or Anthony Methivier’s courses.
Do not think that I am a marketing genius like Jonathan or a great teacher like Anthony. I am an engineer before everything else. I create tools that are practical and effective. I try my tools on myself, and then on beta testers. I want to think I am a very effective practitioner. My content will be less polished and motivating, but I guarantee it will work. Some of my stuff is pretty advanced, so do not expect to learn everything I teach in one year.
Anna’s coaching
The most powerful tool I can offer you is Anna’s coaching. Anna developed the keytostudy methodology and taught both me and Jonathan. She is the best teacher I know. She is only one person with many students. You will need to pay for her time, but if you are serious I guarantee you will be satisfied. If you are not broken poor and feel lost, ask me about 1:1 with Anna.
Learning as a way of life
I built all the keytostudy courses, so they represent my personal approach to learning as a way of life. My courses address very different aspects of learning. Not just memory and speedreading, but also psychological aspects, improving productivity, choosing what to study, and studying for fun.
The same visualization and analytical skills morph as they travel between courses, should different perspectives for the same ideas. If you learn a skill in one course, it will help you ace in another. Everything is interconnected and you can travel the associations I personally use for connecting subjects.
Work in progress
In my courses, I present the tools that worked for me when writing the course. As I evolve and learn new skills, I add more courses and build connections between courses. I ask you to pay once and enjoy lifetime access to evolving materials.
If you find that something is missing, and write me about it, I will make a reasonable effort to add it to my courses. You can be my partners in the lifelong learning path.
Freedom of choice
I do not believe in binding syllabuses and schedules. There is one schedule I share. If you want you can create schedules for yourself. You can ask me if what you create makes sense. You can jump between courses and between sections of the same course. A think with time I will add some additional schedules for different purposes, but that will take me some time.
Anna believes that everything we teach should come with training exercises. I am seriously lagging in this area, since it is hard to create good exercises. These exercises will be created, even if takes me years to succeed.
I do not choose the subjects of my courses based on the experts I can work with, my personal curiosity or financial benefits. The subjects are chosen to be the most effective way to meet the real needs of my actual students and myself. If you need me to develop a module, ask me via [email protected].
Not for the profit
Making and supporting courses tends to be pretty expensive. I am not in this business to make money. I have a steady day job. Everything I do in education is to make a difference and help others. The money I get goes to developing better materials for my students. You will not see these materials immediately, as it may take years for them to mature. They are coming and they will probably “blow your mind”.
Blog support
For the subjects I discuss in my courses I provide a free support on my blog, writing articles with supplementary content. The blog is searchable. There are 700 hundred articles on the blog (some scheduled and not yet published) and more to come. I promise to write some books too when I get more time.
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